Stoner Nachos


Well-Known Member
"Resourceful" nachos in my case (aka poor mans nachos) being the starving student that I am. Next time your craving PB&J but ran out of bread or get to the bottom of the bag of corn chips (which are just a step above crumbs, useless for dipping in salsa unless you want to eat it like cereal), heat up a dollop of peanut butter in the microwave for 30 sec. then throw in a glob of jelly/jam mix it and back in the microwave for 20 sec. Dump the bag of chip bits in and voila. PB&J the thrifty or stoner way...mmmm


Active Member
"Resourceful" nachos in my case (aka poor mans nachos) being the starving student that I am. Next time your craving PB&J but ran out of bread or get to the bottom of the bag of corn chips (which are just a step above crumbs, useless for dipping in salsa unless you want to eat it like cereal), heat up a dollop of peanut butter in the microwave for 30 sec. then throw in a glob of jelly/jam mix it and back in the microwave for 20 sec. Dump the bag of chip bits in and voila. PB&J the thrifty or stoner way...mmmm

that sounds disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Dont knock it till u try u, Cheech. I once saw you drink a beer out of a dirty fish tank in one of ur movies, so don't tell me that. And Its PB&J accept instead of bread, chips??? Not regular nachos plus PB&J, that would be a little much. U never put chips on ur regular PB&J? Ur missing out. I havn't even been stoned in almost a year and it still tasted great. U should see what I use put down when I'd smoke. I love to try new things (unless they carry detrimental side effects, like drugs, or maybe bunjie jumping)


Active Member
I usually just get a huge bag of Tostitos, pour em all onto a plate, grate some cheese, pour it all over the nachos, then microwave it for like a minute and a half.