stonerbeans: attempt one


ive had small plants before but never been too serious about trying to grow a plant succesfully. Recently i had a plant that was only about two weeks but was very healthy. i found it one morning ripped up and chewed on a bit. i was pissed. I decided to build a grow box. my and a few friends buiilt a box that is about 52" X 36" X 25". We have 6 plants total in it ranging from plants that just sprouted yesterday Nov. 27 to a clone that i just bought yesterday from a clinic. it is about 7 or 8 inches already. we have a 48" single tube floresent, another 48" double tube florsent (each with 40 watt cool white tubes) also a three light fixture with 23 watt flourescent bulbs. The teamperature stays between 75 and 85 getting to a high of 92 on a very hot day. there is also two small intake fans a and two 3 X 3 holes cut for exhaust. I have been giving them small doeses of nutrients as youngs as the first day they sprout. I use Foxfarms Grow Big. These plants have been in this box for about a week now and i can see a noticable improvment in the growth rate apart from outdoor growth. we have our lights timed to stay on for a total of 22 hours a day while they are still vegging. I will take pictures of all 6 today and the box to post so there is some visual.


so a few days have gone by and the clone i bought seems to be dieing to me. The outside leaves are all drying out(pic 1). My other personal plant(green crack)(pic 2) is doing extremely well. i topped it about three days ago and it is growing back nicely. The first set of leaves are turning yellow and look like they are going to fall off soon but it seems a bit early for that to me. Then there is the master/diesel (pic 3) is THRIVING in this box. We just noticed last night that the pistils are starting so we finally have proof its a female. It has also been topped and is now in the process of being vined to the sides of the pot now to keep it low. The there are the last 3 plants (pic. 4) are all og seeds and are al nicely sprouted and growing good. the last pic is of my grow box i built. let me know what yall think...



Well-Known Member
so a few days have gone by and the clone i bought seems to be dieing to me. The outside leaves are all drying out(pic 1). My other personal plant(green crack)(pic 2) is doing extremely well. i topped it about three days ago and it is growing back nicely. The first set of leaves are turning yellow and look like they are going to fall off soon but it seems a bit early for that to me. Then there is the master/diesel (pic 3) is THRIVING in this box. We just noticed last night that the pistils are starting so we finally have proof its a female. It has also been topped and is now in the process of being vined to the sides of the pot now to keep it low. The there are the last 3 plants (pic. 4) are all og seeds and are al nicely sprouted and growing good. the last pic is of my grow box i built. let me know what yall think...
what's ur medium? the first pic, might not be rooted enough, mature enough. try putting it in a humidity dome, less light. might be heat stress. second pic might be nute burn, try flushing maybe, or see if yellowing continues. keep posting, were here to help!


So a few weeks have gone by and all the plants are doing very well. My strawberry kush clone has alot of new growth on it and i clippped just about all the large fan leaves off. They all just dried up.(pics, 1-3) I topped my green crack plant about a week ago and also trimmed the two lower leaves that were turning yellow. The two new stems are about and inch long each starting their third set of leaves.(pics, 4-5) The furthest plant along (master/ diesel) is about two weeks into flowering now. We untied the stems from the sides of the pot because the center stem, where it was topped, started to seperate a little bit. both branches however are now growing to the side.(pics, 6-7) The last three (og) are doing pretty good except one is basically stunted. The other two are like triple its size, Yet all started about the same. (any clue whats going on??) Another asspect is that the two larger ones were in peatpellets after germination, the small one was not. Would it have this much of an effect on it??(pics, 8-11)

I have also modified the box slightly with a large fan blowing in. This fan is much more powerful then just the small one we had. and will help has helped greatly with stock strength and cooling.(pic 12)



what's ur medium? the first pic, might not be rooted enough, mature enough. try putting it in a humidity dome, less light. might be heat stress. second pic might be nute burn, try flushing maybe, or see if yellowing continues. keep posting, were here to help!

i am using soil called Kelloggs Grow mulch. My friend who knows about nutes said the ratio was good. I believe the dying leaves was just transplant shock and a bit of climate change. its doing much better now. The other one was getting nutes burn so i flushed the soil and it has stopped it for now but im still keeping a close eye on it. Thanks drella for the feedback!


Active Member
i am using soil called Kelloggs Grow mulch. My friend who knows about nutes said the ratio was good. I believe the dying leaves was just transplant shock and a bit of climate change. its doing much better now. The other one was getting nutes burn so i flushed the soil and it has stopped it for now but im still keeping a close eye on it. Thanks drella for the feedback!
Hey Guy i also am on my 1st serious grow and i am glad we have this forum to help us out with any problems we have . The Growers here are excellent and am sure we will succeed with our grow Good luck to you Bro Happy growing


Well-Known Member
yeah dude i would just say keep the close eye on em, it seems like ur listening to what they are telling you. looks good though, new growth is good, good luck man!


The box is on a 22/ 2 light cycle. and yes i have been using only water for about a month now and the new growth still develops it over time. The lighting are all daylight cfls.


Any clue to what this could be? The outsides of the leaves look like nutes burn. The PH is great andThe plant is growing good but i dont like how the leaves look. Help Me Out Please Pics below
I was told by a friend that this could be caused by magnesium deficiency. I was also told to fix this to use 1 tablespoon of epsom salt per gallon of water. Is this true?? any and all input would be greatly appreciated and respected


Well alot has changed in my cannabis world since the last time i posted. We were able to work out a deal with a friend to use his 400w hps light. The light has been in there a week and the plant growth is incredible. All florescent were removed. I also watered 4 out of 6 plants with Epsom salt and water to help the magnesium deficiency. My personal plants were helped alot and the My buddies two plants didnt react too well to it, almost to the point of death in one plant so the soil was flushed. Things are doing pretty good but i cant wait to see the progress after a few weeks with this new light. Every plant has been LSTed except the one that was dieing. We have also started to experiment with clones and have majorly succeed. We cloned the Master/Diesel twice and both clones lived. They are currently in our box and out of a humidity dome. That was about two weeks ago. About 4 days ago, a friend asked me and my two homies to come clone his plants for him and we could keep some clones. His plants Great looking. Both clones were from the clinic at one point . All 7 of these clones are in a humidity dome rooting and still looking very alive and smelling very good. I also acquired a hydrometer and the humidity stay between 40 and 60. Everything is going great except this major rain and cold streak around here. Its just a bit too cold but nothing that cant be handled. Heres some pics from when the light was first put in there about a week ago:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:



Ok today im not as rushed so i will take the whole grow and go over each plant.

I will categorize them according to the pictures of that plant in the attachments.

1-2: This is the first Master/ Diesel clone. All unclipped leaves are new growth since cloned. It is about 3 weeks since cloned.

3-5: This is and OG strain i believe but could very well something else since it was only a bag seed. This plant will be 3 months old on the 27th. It is a female. It is doing extremely well right now. A lot of the canopy has been LST to the pot to open the lower branches to more light.

6-8: This is by FAR the best plant in this box right now, Master/ Diesel. This plant is at least 4 months old or maybe even 5. It was started outdoors at the end of the summer and was them moved to this box when it was built. It is so insanely tied down, Its a bush. The whole plant is extremely thick and growing amazing.

9-10: Just a bag seed. Sprouted about the same time as the OG. Was believed to have a magnesium deficiency so it was watered with Epsom salt water, but did not do any good. It is doing much better now then it was a few weeks ago. Unconfirmed male or female.

11-12: Another bag seed also sprouted about the same time as the OG. Was also watered with the Epsom salt water and reacted very poorly. Almost to the brink of death. All the large fan leaves curled up and dried out. It was flushed and seems to be getting back on track. Unconfirmed female or male. (MALE!!!!! hahaha jk jk)

13-14: This is the strawberry kush clone bought from the clinic on Nov. 27th. Since those days this plant has had its ups and downs but right now it is doing pretty good. This one was also watered with the epsom salt water and thrived after. The new growth is much greener looking and doesn't have dried out tips like they used to. This plant is also undergoing LST training to open up the bushy plant. Female

15-16: This plant has been through HELL. This is the green crack plant and it has been growing for at least 4 months. Its growth has been stunted a lot during its lifetime. It was also water with the Epsom, which helped it out a lot too. Also undergoing LST. This plant is also thriving but it may be a little too late for that since i suspect its male but only time will tell that, and not very much time either.
17: Just a bag seed but from the connect. Sprouted same day as (pic 18)

18:A supposedly extremely bomb strain that sprouted about 5 days ago. Both seeds were given to us from the connect.

19: Some dank ass OG Poison. Some of the bomb-est herb Ive came in a little while.

We also have another master/diesel clone in a humidity dome alone with 7 other clones from a friends plant. He is giving us 3 out of the 7 once they root.

Thanks for looking all. Tell me what you think. +REP...

