Stones Journal


Well-Known Member
The spots are getting worse... will that matter? The whole plant looks like its going downhill or is it just ripening? As much as i read about harvesting and when the time is right, its quite confusing when doing it yourself.


Active Member
Leaves will drop starting with the fan leaves and working down to the smaller leaf sets for the most part. It does this by the entire leaf gradually turning yellow (uniformly) and then falling off. Spots and necrosis are more in line with nutrient burns or in some sort of imbalance. This late into flowering, leaf damage or spots should not affect the plants' overall ability to coast to the finish line. I would recommend laying off on anything but a flushing agent/water and let her ripen for a bit. Try not to overdue anything and let nature take its course. I do agree with riddle though, I was thinking you had a couple more weeks based on the pics.


Well-Known Member
Well the plant is defintaly ripening, these pictures dont really show you what im looking at with my loupe and I think it nearing its time. I am looking for a 50/50 high so maybe next week? As for the other plants they are definatly two weeks away. Once question can nute burn, burn trichomes? Thats the only other reason I can think of that would turn them amber so soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Man. Looks amazing. That's a hell of a 12/12 from seed grow. I actually never put too much thought into that and shit, but just in the past two days, I've really been wanting to give it a try. Again, looks damn good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, good to see someone else commenting on here. Yeah they far exceeded my expectations on a 12/12 seed grow. These girls are huge....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely. Your setup looks pristine, too. CFLs are really cool lights. My current girl is more or less indica dominant bagseed, too. Very fun times. If I had expectations for this grow, those girls would've surely topped them, as well.


Well-Known Member
well I did run into some ph and over nute problems but hey, always next time...LOL. This should give me some smoke for a while though...


Well-Known Member
Dont really know. An ounce per plant? maybe 3 ounces? Im not counting the runt... the one that looks far from done.


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah. Dammit, though. That's good. I'm still gonna veg longer with my baby right now and I'll be shooting for a half ounce or more..


Well-Known Member
These were free seeds from a friend here in town, turned out alright. When i get back from vacation im growing some of the nirvana seeds i ordered last month, and those wont be 12/12 from seed grows. I cant wait for that. Shit im so stoned right now. I took a sample i think sunday and let it dry out naturally and smoked a bong hit from it 10 mintues ago...LOL. I have to leave june 1 for a month so Im hoping these plants are ready by the end of the month so I can get dryed and cured by june 1...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think you should be good and everything by then. That's cool, though. Nice 'n' tasty, I would assume? Probably makes you anticipate the final product even more.


Well-Known Member
For sure, I hope they amber up by the end of the month. The high is 70 percent in the head and 30 percent in the body. Would love to have a 50/50 mix but yes, i am itching to see what the final product is going to be like. Took another small sample from one of the other Indica dom. plants. Going to quick dry it tonight and see what its like. So far I have just sampled the big plant which is definatly a hybrid.


Well-Known Member
fucking sweet ass grow... been reading this forum for two days now... i wonder if you would have just grown out one plant and vegged it a lil bit... topped and lst'ed how much of a yeild diffrence there would be... looks good and i have nothing negative to say about it... awesome and good luck growing...


Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks alot man. Yeah the only reason i went with 12/12 from seed is to get a quick harvest in before june 1 and i started feb 20th. Next grow will be one super skunk and one white widow fem seeds from nirvana. Planning on vegging for 2-3 weeks then LST for maximum exposure. There might only be room for one, so I will have to see how it goes. Thanks for stopping by and the comment!!!


Well-Known Member
Smoke report #2,

Holy shit batman!!! I snipped a small bud off plant number 2 yesterday and quick dryed it. Smoked a bong (2 hits) and now 7-8 minutes later im rip-roaring high. I dont know how to describe it really. So freaking high i almost feel like im in a wakeful state of dreaming. If that makes sense. Like everything just changed on a phycological level (knowing im high though). Plus my toes are tingling a little. Hey got a question for you guys, This obvious indica dom is not quite the couchlock that i want but i really, really, really like the high should i harvest? I mean this Indica might be a week away from harvest but this high is rediculous. I know its indica, but its like a cerebral sativa soaring high.... Gotta shower...bbl....