Storing seeds


Active Member
So I just got some seeds,I have heard keep in the fridge in Rice.Do I keep them in the plastic baggies and put in rice.I am gonna keep in a mason jar.Might have to keep for 6 months or so,thanks


Active Member
i feel like if it's in a plastic baggie there's not much point to the rice as it can't dehydrate what's in plastic. i use an envelope in rice.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Most plastics are very slightly permeable to air, which is why canning is only done in glass or metal containers. We always store seeds in a Rx bottle in the crisper in the fridge.

I'd like to see some experiments on whether seeds store better in a completely air-tight container or in something where minute amounts of air, but no moisture, can get through.


Active Member
ok,sounds good I have 2 different kinds but I guess ,duh,nevermind I will just use 2 different envelopes.So I will empty the seeds into the envlope or jar in the rice,no plastic baggies,thanks g