Strange but Real Names


Well-Known Member
Harry Colon...he played for the Lions.
"Harry Colon goes deep"...."Harry Colon catches a long one"...and so on...


Active Member
Drew and Mike are the best. So happy I live here. Always catch them when I can in the AM. "BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH."


Well-Known Member
Drew and Mike are the best. So happy I live here. Always catch them when I can in the AM. "BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH."
I didn't know they were still on the air. I lost WRIF when I moved a few years ago...I tuned in to wrif for 20+ years in the morning....the only thing I didn't like was, over the years the show got longer and longer and started dragging on past 10:00am...I liked when the still played music at 8:00, and just bullshited in between songs...I gatta have jams in the morning...too much talk makes me change the station.


New Member
might as well call her heroin, same shit in my eyes this isn't jamaica or BC or amsterdam


Well-Known Member
heroin and sativa are the same shit in your eyes?...have those fuckers checked!...cuz your blind dude!


New Member
heroin and sativa are the same shit in your eyes?...have those fuckers checked!...cuz your blind dude!
yea well just because you think all drugs aren't the same doesn't mean everyone does, she'll be ridiculed all her life because of her parents


Well-Known Member
I dissagree. She'll be called one ridiculed Harry Colon! fuckin with ya.


New Member
I do agree its a good name and all, just that a lot of people still don't see a difference between pot and other drugs although if you don't know pot you probably don't know what a sativa is

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm so glad my mom and dad picked a easy to forget name and not one like this.

(1882–1975). Ima Hogg, philanthropist and patron of the arts, daughter of Sarah Ann (Stinson) and Governor James Stephen Hogg, was born in Mineola, Texas, on July 10, 1882. She had three brothers, William Clifford Hogg, born in 1875; Michael, born in 1885; and Thomas Elisha Hogg, born in 1887. Ima was named for the heroine of a Civil War poem written by her uncle Thomas Elisha and was affectionately known as Miss Ima for most of her long life.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
There was a guy around my area named Harry Sackrider. And get this, he lived on Bush St. He was listed in the phonebook for years too, wtf.


Well-Known Member
I really wonder about the name Lloyd wouldnt it be pronounced Laloyd why is the 2nd l silenced?Who got the bright idea to silence it?Probably will never know.