Strange stuff you like to do when you're high?


New Member
Hey guys, I just wanted to make this thread for the fun of it, what strange stuff do you like to do when you're high?

Personally, I like to go out fishing, fishing is something that I really enjoy but when you mix it with weed it's just amazing haha, the feeling when you get a big fish when stoned... the adrenaline pumping, you're just in a state of euphoria (but I guess that's only if you actually enjoy fishing when you're not stoned heh).

Just post any strange/funny things that you like doing when you're high!

-Smoke on!

Le Cochon

Active Member
One surfs and gets in harmony with the elements. I have had many pleasures in my life, been many places, none is better than this except maybe downhill mountain biking and skiing. Just cruising....


I like fishing when im baked too! :-) I will also agree with polo cause I am and enhancement smoker that feels like weed makes everything more fun. To top off your question I would say one weird thing I enjoy when im high on psychedelics Is walking through the milky way. When I'm tripping I like to go to the beach at night and when the waves wash up and retreat to the ocean it leaves a mirror of the sky on the ground so you can walk through our galaxy or hop from star to star. I like to watch for ufos too lol. Hawaii is a awesome place to absorb energy and experience things.
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