street light


can anyone tell me if a orange street light will effect my flowering period?
Its not facing directly at my greenhouse, more like around the corner of my house.IMG_0004.jpg


Well-Known Member
It will not harm it one bit. Think about the inverse square law and how far away that light is... Your plants will be receiving much less than a lumen of light.


Active Member
If it close like 40 feet it will. Had a street light over my outdoor and it kept it in veg at the end of the season. It was bullshit. So i just shot the fucker out. Haha


Active Member
I read a post once where a street light kept a plant from flowering but only on the half facing the light the other half flowers fine no pics in the post by the way.if anything cover the side with the light with a tarp during night
it will not flower my 1st grow in my greenhouse it didnt flower so i had to put them in the shed and been doing so for many years now its pain but u get to control the light so buy a shed and put it nr the greenhouse happy growing


Well-Known Member
it should not as long as the light never exceeds that of the full moon
exactamundo...........nothing stronger than nature would throw at it. a full moon every night is not normal though, and may mind-fuck your plant into hermaphrodism, imo


well i took a picture with my flash off and it was dark a hell, so i think it will be fine.
plus i putting up some shade cloth on that side of the green house.
thanks for all the info guys any help is better than none