Stress! how do u deal with it?

(apears in a cloud of smoke with alice n chains playn) Im back i had a few:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint: and a nice adventure music really does so the job
I like to trail ride with my 4 wheeler and bring my 2 labs, fishing, hunting; something to get my mind off of the emotional end of the stress so I can clear my head and see the solution.
i used to have a 4 wheeler but baby momma had me sell it for whatever reason. I miss it as much as my old dealer. It was all great times. Thanks to everyone for replying to help me out. Im twisting one up for ya all if only we all could sit and smoke!
I just smoke a shitload of weed but i am never really stressed maybe cause i smoke weed all the time!!!
ya i smoke weed for my stress, but then again i dont really get stressed out, only when i procrastinate and then have to do a huge project for a class and i dont have long to do it then i get stressed, but i smoke weed and listen to music while smoking the weed and then play video games while still listening to the music ( thats what i do usually when im smoking by myself)
50 9mm rounds down range
200 .45 cal rounds down range
100 .223 NATO rounds down range
50 308 NATO rounds down range
20 12g shotgun shells down range...

back to the club house to have a beer

drive home, clean all 5 guns, put them all away in their happy places.

kiss the wife and tuck her in bed..

pack the vape and get cooked.

watch a dumb movie.
