stressed plant


Active Member
so one of my youngins is going through hell it had a bad transplant the soil kinda came loose before it got in its new pot it looks like it has nute burn and brown spots have been appearing on the leaves and to top it off my lamp fell on it knocking it over and snapping his stem i managed to get him a splint but im worried its been through so much stress it just wont make it does it sound like its a lost cause or what pics soon


Well-Known Member
Never give up on them. MJ is a very hardy plant. It can absorb a lot of abuse. Back off all nutes. Maybe use a little molassess to promote good root growth and then just water normally. It may hermie but thats no big thing.


Active Member
well i had planted one in pure miracle grow and once i realized the size of my mistake i flushed it but it seems to be stunted or something because it is only 3 days behind my other plant but its leaves are still tiny and not spread out you can see from the picture i compared them side by side and got a close up of the broken one and sorry for quality camera phone is all i had



Well-Known Member
def stretched. you need to lower your lights. also transplant that smaller one before it gets bigger. and add some dirt onto that one in the folgers can-too many exposed foot roots. seedlings this young do not need any nutes-there should be enough in the soil if it is some decent stuff and not plain dirt. no nutes