
I transplanted my foot tall fem. about a week and a half ago its growth has been stunted completely and is starting to discard water leaves but is keeping the small undergrowth. should i keep the undergrowth or trim to give more nutes to other parts of plant. roots have started to comeback slowly. im using super thrive, pure blend pro grow(bitanicare) and the same brand but lipuid karma. plz give any needed advice:bigjoint:


Active Member
Id say give it some more time to recover dont want to start chopping at it yet..May stress it even more..
Good luck


Well-Known Member
foliar feed with super thrive.
are you giving pure blend and liquid karma at the same time. i have both of these and only use one at a time. they are akin to fox farm big bloom, kind of a general organic (almost) supplemental fert. i use botanicare products and love them. get the grow or the bloom from their cns line and use those for veg and flower. those are a stronger and more specific fert for your needs.
thanx for the support im always getting to anxious and try to force them to grow. i guess i just need to let nature take its place. i sent an invite so we can exchange info if u want iv only been growing for a lil over two years now