Stunted Growth


Well-Known Member
This isn't my first grow obviously, but its the first time Ive run into a problem.

After my last grow i let all my plants flower without cloneing because I didnt like a few of the strains.

I started this batch from seed about 2-3weeks ago. and they are still like 2-3 inches tall. I do see new growth on them, but it seems like their growth is stunted. They've been transplanted into their final pots for about 4 days and haven't had much change besides some new growth. the leaves are getting pale and Im not sure what I should do.

The only thing I can think is that instead of using my normal soil I picked up some stuff that I wouldn't normally use at the farmers market. I read everything on it and it seemed pretty good, but I dont really like it. DO you think the soil is contributing to stunted growth? Can it do that? I fed them a few days ago because i wasn't sure if the soil was lacking something or what?

I can take some pictures if you really need them, but there isn't much to see. Just picture a plant after its grown about 4-8 leaves thats 3 inches tall after 2-3 weeks under 24hr lighting. WTF:-?:-?:-?

Should've also added they are under a 600w Metal Halide light!


Well-Known Member
Pics would be nice.

Watering schedule?
Plants age? exact age so I can see how they look at said age in pics

Whats the medium? If the roots can't breath it will stunt growth and poor draining medium will drown roots.


Well-Known Member
Pics would be nice.

Watering schedule?
Plants age? exact age so I can see how they look at said age in pics

Whats the medium? If the roots can't breath it will stunt growth and poor draining medium will drown roots.
see pix!
watering schedule: I water every other day. Only fed nutes once since the start, so for these a full schedule hasnt started but I typically water water feed water water ect.

Age: right around 3 weeks. I forgot to mark on my calendar, but they are WAY small for their age since they popped out of the ground at around 3-4 days in soil.

Temps: Depending on whether its sunny or rainy it varies, but today its around 70degrees in there.

Ph: close to 7

The medium is soil but this soil does seem more dense than the soils Ive had before. I used the same amount of pealite I normally use and I do think that its a draining problem. Im concerned about doing another transplant into new soil, but it cant be worse than leaving it in this soil and them staying stunted until they die.



Well-Known Member
well.... the soil was crap, so I repotted all 20 of them last night, but hard to say if they will do better. I should have just stuck with what I knew! *FACEPALM* anyways, I noticed a few of them had purple stems in areas. not sure what that means, but hopefully they will be happy now that they have the not crap soil.


Well-Known Member
any ideas on the purple stems? Ive grown one of the strains before and I know it didn't have purple stems by nature. Can it be fixed? advice would be nice :D


Well-Known Member
purpl stems are a sign of definate stress. ive run into this simalr problem and have concluded that it was my soil. imno expert though


Well-Known Member
I had a plant recently that seemed to ride the short bus. The growth did not seem stunted but almost non existant. Thing is the plant looked healthy overall much the way yours do.

I just took real good care of her, made sure she was not stressed by nutes, had good soil with plenty of drainage and let her go. Well she is in her third week of flowering now and is beautiful. After about 10 days of my special TLC it was like a different plant.

Just be patient and make sure your PH is correct, do not over nute or water and make sure you have a good growing medium. They can recover with some TLC.

Sometimes purple can mean low temperatures. Do yours drop substaintally at night?


Well-Known Member
I had a plant recently that seemed to ride the short bus. The growth did not seem stunted but almost non existant. Thing is the plant looked healthy overall much the way yours do.

I just took real good care of her, made sure she was not stressed by nutes, had good soil with plenty of drainage and let her go. Well she is in her third week of flowering now and is beautiful. After about 10 days of my special TLC it was like a different plant.

Just be patient and make sure your PH is correct, do not over nute or water and make sure you have a good growing medium. They can recover with some TLC.

Sometimes purple can mean low temperatures. Do yours drop substaintally at night?
Yeah Im thinking they should recover now that Im back to the soil I normally use. A soil which I have grown these strains in before!!

My temps dont drop much at night especially since its summer. They stay pretty much around 70 degrees all the time.

Ph was 6.5 when I tested yesterday with the new soil. Now that I replaced the soil I wont be adding nutes for a few weeks since its fresh.


Well-Known Member
"watering schedule: I water every other day. Only fed nutes once since the start, so for these a full schedule hasnt started but I typically water water feed water water ect."

Think this is watering too much? I am watering now every 3/4/5 days. As a weed they want to have a little drying out don't they? Surely not watering every other day?