Stupid Pineapple Chunk - The Neglected Room

Here are some pics of some arsehole plants that have been flowering for about 70 days believe it or not. Apparently harvest time is 55-65 days- BULLSHIT!!

But to be fair Ive neglected this room a fair bit, it used to be the mother room but im using it as another flower room now- theres 1800 watts of hps for 6 plants, but i havent added Co2 in here yet. Im ready to just chop it, what would you do??008.jpg010.jpg007.jpg009.jpg006.jpg
i had some look like that a long time ago, i couldnt work it out as to what had caused it specifically but i guessed poor lighting conditions so i changed all bulbs etc for new 1s and never had it since?!
True, i am using old globes and ballasts there used to be 2 1000 watters in there and that was fine for up to 10 mother plants


if you cut know it would be a waste of time and money just let it ripe push it to the side of the grow room and start your next batch


Well-Known Member
You need to let it go, I have grown that strain, it takes forever. You're not ready yet. If I told you how long I think, you'd hate me. It will get much more solid colas if you wait a few (2-3) weeks, it wont be done in that time but you will add a good deal of weight and would probably be close enough to not be a total waste of your time. I vote 3 weeks and then do what you have to do. Also I'll add the trics stay short not real long stalks, so if you mic it and get pissed dont be too mad about it. Also, Forget amber, chop when milky or you'll have it around for another year or so, lol.