Submersible pump for watering with wand


Well-Known Member
So you wouldnt wanna have it on alllll the time e.g. using with a smart-farm wifi valve right?

A submersible would be nice to avoid the clutter in my space, but I'm leaning towards the RV type since it can come and on and off as needed.

No. If it's plugged in it's on. That's why I have the shutoff valve on the end I water with. I open and close the valve as I water different pots. I can also adjust the volume.


Well-Known Member
So you wouldnt wanna have it on alllll the time e.g. using with a smart-farm wifi valve right?

A submersible would be nice to avoid the clutter in my space, but I'm leaning towards the RV type since it can come and on and off as needed.
No mine's for hand watering. The RV type sounds better for you.


Well-Known Member
I don't really understand why you want the pump's power to shut off when you open the valve. Why don't you just put a sump pump on a regular timer if you're using a drip irrigation setup?


Well-Known Member
I am using wifi irrigation controller and soil moisture sensor so as to monitor, control, automate and adjust from anywhere.


Active Member
I had a similar thought process and decided on just running lines to my plants instead of hand watering. If you are set on hand watering, buy a normal pump and something to screw on to the end to stop the pressure. I have one on everyone of my garden houses outside. has a little thumb switch you rotate cost a dollar a piece. don't put two half ass solutions together and not expect a problem


Well-Known Member
I hand watered with a sump pump and 1/2" vinyl tubing zip tied to a short pole at the end to act as a wand, with a ball valve at the base. Then I upgraded and put a second ball valve behind the other one, so that I could set the flow rate with the one and use the other as an on/off valve. I used that switch that I posted to turn the pump on and off.

I switched to Bluemats with soaker hoses, but I also switched from coco to rockwool slabs, so the soaker hose didn't work out too well on rockwool slabs. Now I just flood a bunch of 6" GroEzy cubes that are pushed together into one big low profile block. A few of them hold plants and the rest are just for roots. I may add a lining of coco mats next time, but it seems to be a good system as is. I just flipped them a couple of weeks ago, so we'll see.

I'm interested in and automated system. Flooding on a timer is fine, but I'd prefer keeping the medium at a stable moisture level. I'm a little weary of Blumats because I wilted my plants several times trying to dial them in. I made the mistake of adding them during the flower cycle, so I wasn't able to monitor them throughout the day. But still, those hoses are tiny and can clog easily.

I've looked for a sensor that triggers an outlet, and aside from DIY setups involving a Raspberry Pi, all I've really seen are Smartbee systems. They are stupidly expensive though. Does your sensor trigger anything or just send you notifications to your phone, and then you remotely trigger your pump?


Well-Known Member