I just ut off a sliver at whatever size I plan to dose and I take two razor blades and chop up tyhe small sliver into as many pieces as you can, then just toot it. Just try not to snort it down your throat. If you get a drain that means you're wasting it. You should keep it in the nasal cavity for at least 10-15 minutes before draining. It might sound difficult but it's actually super easy and I've noticed that surprisingly the strips seem much stronger than the tab powder when you toot it. Good luck and god speed! loli don't wanna shoot it but I would consider snorting it. How would I go about doing that with a sublingual strip?
Don't waste you time trying to chop those little strips up and trying to take them up the nose. Up the ass is the way to go. Suboxone is very expensive and it's almost twice as strong that way.i don't wanna shoot it but I would consider snorting it. How would I go about doing that with a sublingual strip?
i dont no much bout the drug but in the uk we get mainly sublingul tablets, sublingual does mean to put in under your tongue doesnt it? people just crush the tablets and sniff them.i don't wanna shoot it but I would consider snorting it. How would I go about doing that with a sublingual strip?
..........Go buy a bottle of robitussin (blue kind, green is okay but may make you nauseous), chug the whole thing, make sure its 3-4 oz. Then take one dose of the sub. Seeriously, you wont be dissapointed. Medium dose of dxm with regular dose of opiate or sub and you will feel the most amazing youve ever felt. Get some bud too
Ohhhhh dont be a pussy now
i didnt crush the pill and sniff i just put it under my tongue but fuck that the buzz wasnt enjoyable and i was sick loads, ive taken oxys quite a few times tho, its a pretty rare drug in the uk oxycontin but i have had them mostly 40mg i never bothered with sniffing or anything else just swallowed the 40s not even licked the time release of of nothing and i really enjoy the oxy buzz its lovely also never been sick of a 40?Well that's 2mg of bupe which is a pretty heavy dose if you're not tolerant. Consider the formulation used for pain in Europe is 0.2mg and is about as strong as a 5mg oxy or 10mg morphine tab. So that's like taking 50mg of oxy.
Mixing coke with any opiates just makes me feel uneasy.. I used to do speedballs a lot with H and coke when I was younger and I don't even understand why... Its just asking for something bad
Just taking a 40mg OC without crushing it means the dose is spread out over a long time.
Benzos, blow and opioids sounds like a pretty good recipe for a hospital or morgue visit. You're lucky someone got you to the hospital. Benzos and opioids are a famously lethal combo and coke and opioids have a metabolic issue that increases toxicity as well.