subs supersoil

shouldnt its not alchohol , fyi that kills plants .#my medusa is pritty (name of plant, one look will leave ya stoned :blsmoke::bigjoint::bigjoint::blsmoke::blsmoke::arrow:bongsmilie:cuss::confused::cuss::?:-?
rite but I use vinegar to clean everything and I even klooked uit up vinegar kills bacteria and fungis soo it would be bad to use if youre a organic grower. and that's what io was seeing too with the gnats but im using their coco soilless media which gnats dfont like coco to begin with so they tend to stay away from it and yes the fabric pot idea is also what I use an I use the gnatnix as a preventative, andive never gotten any root aphids fgormt aht soil when I was using it so I think the placvwee where ytoou got it from is where its getting infected. id tell you to go coco its cleaner, better, and water is every third to 2nd day depending on hoe water demanding the sterain is.
the secret ingredient is the quality of julian's piss.
this soil is working so good for me that i actually have friends that want to buy it from me because they dont have money to get all the shit you need. they just want enough for a few plants so they can keep things simple. almost like a house plant but more. just give it water as needed. keep temps and humidity in check along with fresh air or co2. simple as that. use common sense and you wont get mites. if your soil has gnats or aphids use cloth pots with a thick layer of gnat gnix on top. then water with ferilome triple action once in a while. bugs hate it. it is safe for us and even organic.
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Idk man that recipient that I'm using is doing pretty well rite now man. For realbi wishbi ciuldnupload photos lmfao. I hate living poverty
Thanks radical.yeah my tap water has a ppm of 130 and my phone is 6.1 and I always let my water sit in a 5 gallon bucket for at least 36 to 48 that's ok? Thanks buddy
ye aman that should be fuine but what you should also do is get a air pump and throw a airstone on it and throw it into youre water to have the water be oxidized and help it de chlorinate faster also. cause that's what the let sit for 36 -48 housr is for the air pump will cut that in half or more
Tired of chem ferts and wanna do the organic soil thang.
I didn't read this whole thread yet but...I went first to Monster Gardens offer
for the whole super soil package which is $178 + $128 shipping (ouch-to mi.). Total = $306.
So I sourced all the ingredients on Amazon (with prime) and it all came out to approx. $220.
Shipped to my door. So MG's offers a good deal for Cali pickup but anyone else, not!
I haven't sourced these ingredients from local hydro stores which I plan to do. Plenty local.
Am I on the right track ? :eyesmoke:
Not bad look up earth shine and bioag, earthshine is for biochd trace elements and such is yourlvic and humic acids a also have prpducts that have all the micronutrients pluss acids and hr products
Not bad look up earth shine and bioag, earthshine is for biochd trace elements and such is yourlvic and humic acids a also have prpducts that have all the micronutrients pluss acids and hr products

Not bad look up earth shine and bioag, earthshine is for biochd trace elements and such is yourlvic and humic acids a also have prpducts that have all the micronutrients pluss acids and hr products

He used bio ag fulvex in his mix. It was towards the end.

He had a small bag of it and it looked like it was the old bag bcuz it was white. The new bags are black.

But its the best humic and fulvic on market hands down no competition to it at all not even close.
I been researching this super soil and organic growing. Id like get an easy explained mix that shows what you should use and options for amendments.

Be nice someone explain it thoroughly as it is easy once you know what everything is doing but when u first start it seems pretty in depth and complicated.

I see people saying to add these flowering spike mixes and layering in veg and bloom but dont explain if thats an entirely different super soil u need to cook up or if u just throw it on top as a top dressing and water it in or if its amendments you brew and make a tea from.

Really fckin confusing shit man wish someone could explain it in easy details. As im very interested in going all veganic/organic replacing the bone and blood meal for all natural stuff and growing good clean meds. Dont even care about super high yields long as it comes out clean, funky and super taste and looks awesome. Im sold soon as I figure all this shit out. Maybe someone can help a fellow grower out whose trying to learn something new
I been researching this super soil and organic growing. Id like get an easy explained mix that shows what you should use and options for amendments.

Be nice someone explain it thoroughly as it is easy once you know what everything is doing but when u first start it seems pretty in depth and complicated.

I see people saying to add these flowering spike mixes and layering in veg and bloom but dont explain if thats an entirely different super soil u need to cook up or if u just throw it on top as a top dressing and water it in or if its amendments you brew and make a tea from.

Really fckin confusing shit man wish someone could explain it in easy details. As im very interested in going all veganic/organic replacing the bone and blood meal for all natural stuff and growing good clean meds. Dont even care about super high yields long as it comes out clean, funky and super taste and looks awesome. Im sold soon as I figure all this shit out. Maybe someone can help a fellow grower out whose trying to learn something new I Pr,momiseits the sjit
Go by the soill mix that don talks about its the fourteenth comment down. I love that recipe I just use more coco and perlite I Pr,momiseits the sjit
Go by the soill mix that don talks about its the fourteenth comment down. I love that recipe I just use more coco and perlite

Yeah I just ordered that book I heard that its an absolute must have and is truly a wealth of solid information knowledge. Just ordered it from Barnes n Noble few days ago.

Yeah I see the recipe and I understand everyone has their own mixes that work but what Im saying is everyone uses diff shit. So it wud be nice if someone explained the recipe with options and input for example:

For your base mix you can choose to use bone meal, blood mean, fish meal or feather meal to source nitrogen:
The reason you want to you X over Z is because (and than the reason or whatever explanation is justified)
Than for calcium and magnesium you can choose to use XYZ or run both of them its whatever you like or prefer

Sweet Dolomite lime (powdered) OR
Floured Oyster Shell

Im just looking for an easy complete simple to use super soil mix that explains why you should use one amendment over another or what the purpose for using the rock phosphate over greensand because it doesnt break down easily. Simple things like that just make it understandable. Than they got the layering spikes and top dresses and teas I think its just over kill and make it so much more difficult than it needs to be you know.

Thanks for info Im gonna read that thread today and skim through it hopefully find some good info in there.
Is there any U.E residents on this good thread? I would like to know if you know where I can buy some supersoil in E.U or something similar or even the ingredients, i really want to try "only water"
If you have some ideas for me, i would take it...
Have a great day★