I been researching this super soil and organic growing. Id like get an easy explained mix that shows what you should use and options for amendments.
Be nice someone explain it thoroughly as it is easy once you know what everything is doing but when u first start it seems pretty in depth and complicated.
I see people saying to add these flowering spike mixes and layering in veg and bloom but dont explain if thats an entirely different super soil u need to cook up or if u just throw it on top as a top dressing and water it in or if its amendments you brew and make a tea from.
Really fckin confusing shit man wish someone could explain it in easy details. As im very interested in going all veganic/organic replacing the bone and blood meal for all natural stuff and growing good clean meds. Dont even care about super high yields long as it comes out clean, funky and super taste and looks awesome. Im sold soon as I figure all this shit out. Maybe someone can help a fellow grower out whose trying to learn something new