Sugar water for tighter and denser buds.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use molasses in hydro at all. That shit clogs pumps like a mofo'. I hate that shit. I had a buddy who tried 1 tsp/gallon and his shit ended up brown and nasty. Just spend your afternoons cleaning that shit out. Use the products designed to be used for hydro systems and you should be just fine.


Active Member
so anyone thats not off the fucking subject.
back to SUGAR WATER.
how much to use and when?


Well-Known Member
If you only got 5 horsepower from headers, but got 8 horspower from the rest, you did something wrong. Should have been the other way around easily. The stock manifolds/headers on cars are SO restrictive that generally changing the muffler/pipes doesn't affect much. I was primarily referring to poeple that get sold a Cat-Back exhaust and expect miracles.

Back on the subject,
I always flush with just plain ol' water. I know that people have this theory that "it's the last week, it's so critical, I don't want to flush with plain ol' water". If you have been feeding your plants properly and don't already have a ton of deficiencies then the plant has enough food stored to last longer than a week. That's what you are trying to get rid of. All those stored nutrients. Ideally your plant should be fuckin' dead lookin' when you cut it down. The bottom should have nothing but yellow leaves and all the leaves should be fadin' away with the tips curling a bit. Not drastic, but you don't want to treat the plant like it's still growin'. You're going to smoke all the nutrients.

A week seems to be the minimum amount of time to flush. Anything less is uncivilized.
well if you using shorty headers then your not going to get as much horsepower but if your using long headers you will get more HP i have had all the work on my 69 olds done on a dyno so im not trying to lie to you i dont know where i put the printout i might be off give or take a few HP sorry we tryed a hole bunch of mufflers headers, pipes my friend has a shop with the dyno and i restore hotrods and classic cars with my own shop:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i would use molasses not suger water theres suposed to be more stuff for the plant in molasses then suger and i mix one tsp for on gallon hop that helps oh yah sorry for getting of topice :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use molasses in hydro at all. That shit clogs pumps like a mofo'. I hate that shit. I had a buddy who tried 1 tsp/gallon and his shit ended up brown and nasty. Just spend your afternoons cleaning that shit out. Use the products designed to be used for hydro systems and you should be just fine.
I have been doing it for many many years and I have never had a problem. You only use it the last week so as for pump problems that is BS. Friend of a friend advice hmmmmmmmm. Check out my grow room and you tell me.

The Martian

Active Member
Hi all.
Just a couple of thoughts.
molasses, (treacle, to us Brits), is the "gunk" thats left over after raw cane sugar has been refined, so if its the carbs that are used in the proccess, sugar would be better, if its other things then treacle would be better, (they have been removed from the sugar in the refining).
As for boiling a whole gallon of water, to disolve one teaspoon of sugar/mollasses, come on!!!!!
AND the same goes for it blocking pumps???? What size pump is he using? sounds like your mate is full of shit!!!
Do any of you lot have a clue how any of this shit works at all?????
as for flushing, i'm not disputing any real results poeple have had, BUT when we mix in modern chemic fertilisers, and bung in our truncheon or CF meter, were measuring in parts per million, And the plant USES these to metabolise, and grow, IE uses the elements in the fertiliser to undergo chemical reactions and convert the carbon dioxide in the air into Carbon, wich is what the plant, (and us BTW) are made of.
Remember Star Trek Voyager?? (carbon based units, US).
And then expels the Oxygen thats left, CO2 = 1 carbon and two Oxygen atoms to make up the molecule Carbon dioxide, remove the carbon, it leaves oxygen.
So any appreciable amount of fert still in the plant means it is being over fed, and would surely build up in the plant, to its detriment.
SO I ask, how much of the fert is still "in" the plant, and could it be tasted at these levels, you'll get more crap off your fingers onto the fuckin skins as you build up, and do we taste that??????
Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
i heard that only dealers do this to there merch, so that when there weighing up there buds they are alot heavier hense giving out less weed to each bag, but i also heard they spray the buds with fire extinguishers to make the buds 'tighter, denser, heavier buds'. so i dont know whether i would do this, iv'e tryed the weed once 'sprayed', and it taste like hard ash.