Suggestions on Nutrients?


Active Member
Hey there peeps.

I'm currently using the General Organics Lineup, Though i would try it out had the GO box for like 35$
i have been using it for veg on some new clones, established mothers with gr8 results so far.

I have been using it in the flower room also, I dont see enormous change. But i see soo many ppl with a list a mile long of things they use,
i was wondering if anyone got suggestions, on somehting i shoudl leave out switch or somehting to add for bloom to get better results?


Well-Known Member
Nutrients that are high in Phosphate, add a tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water used when flushing for the last 10-ish days before cut+dry. Also, trim all of the big fan leaves that are blocking bud sites from the light, they need direct light to ripen and fill out.