suicidal without weed


Well-Known Member
Those are very very subtherapeutic doses of lithium. Typical daily lithium dose is closer to a gram of the carbonate, and the therapeutic window is narrow. cn
Lithium is supposed to be all safe and shit but my ex is Bipolar and has a metabolism beauty queens would murder for combined with his crazy exercise regiment which DID help his anger so so much btw but in SD he was going to County mental health and I guess they thought maybe he was lying about taking his dose every day like a good boy because every time they tested him it came up as under therapuetic so they kept upping the dosage to ??? but when we moved North and got one of those awesome free clinic non profit Dr's she flipped at the dosage, and she is the one who prescribed my 9mg a day xanies so she's no prude...


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell I don't take my chill pills anymore :cuss:

As a matter of fact some folks on here are making me wonder if straight cannabis is the answer. To be honest I would love to pop a pill sometimes when I don't handle my attacks as well as I and others around me would like but I don't want to be addicted again to benzos, the withdrawels are such a bitch and by the time I quit I was only taking to not have them and true to word, no one would up my dose.


Ursus marijanus
Lithium is supposed to be all safe and shit but my ex is Bipolar and has a metabolism beauty queens would murder for combined with his crazy exercise regiment which DID help his anger so so much btw but in SD he was going to County mental health and I guess they thought maybe he was lying about taking his dose every day like a good boy because every time they tested him it came up as under therapuetic so they kept upping the dosage to ??? but when we moved North and got one of those awesome free clinic non profit Dr's she flipped at the dosage, and she is the one who prescribed my 9mg a day xanies so she's no prude...
Lithium is actually not "all safe and shit", to borrow your phrase. That's why the therapeutic window is narrow: the range between "not enough to help" and "enough to become toxic" is narrow and individual. Lithium treatment requires regular bloodwork and supervision by a real psych doc. it's not recommended for self-titration. cn

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Lithium is actually not "all safe and shit", to borrow your phrase. That's why the therapeutic window is narrow: the range between "not enough to help" and "enough to become toxic" is narrow and individual. Lithium treatment requires regular bloodwork and supervision by a real psych doc. it's not recommended for self-titration. cn
...agreed, it was a stringent regime, that one.


Well-Known Member
You're suicidal without pot? Makes me want to take your pot away.

Natural selection ftw.

This is the only lithium i need:


Active Member
I just wanna say cannabis will only make mental issues worse over time, not that it stops me, but it will, cheers!


Well-Known Member
Lithium is actually not "all safe and shit", to borrow your phrase. That's why the therapeutic window is narrow: the range between "not enough to help" and "enough to become toxic" is narrow and individual. Lithium treatment requires regular bloodwork and supervision by a real psych doc. it's not recommended for self-titration. cn
I apologize I felt the rest of my post would show I didn't believe that but it's the going theme on lithium.


Ursus marijanus
I apologize I felt the rest of my post would show I didn't believe that but it's the going theme on lithium.
I picked up on that, but I got a pair of more worrisome messages from your post.
1) It seemed like the person wasn't getting regular, quality bloodwork.
2) It sounded to me like you were concluding that lithium is a bad med. I simply wanted (want) to emphasize that used correctly, lithium can be a lifesaver. cn


Well-Known Member
I picked up on that, but I got a pair of more worrisome messages from your post.
1) It seemed like the person wasn't getting regular, quality bloodwork.
2) It sounded to me like you were concluding that lithium is a bad med. I simply wanted (want) to emphasize that used correctly, lithium can be a lifesaver. cn
Not at all, I was pointing out or trying to lol that one should not naively accept everything Dr's say do advise just because they are Dr's

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
when you smoke for severe depression (not a qualified disease for an MMC btw)...U pretty much need a steady supply of weed. at least 1-2 grams per day. which aint askin a WHOLE lot from life but hey.

when a manic depressive is off their meds, it is code reds.

when not high all i think about is blowin my brains out or hanging myself or all around doing the dutch (ironically due to lack of dutch)

for those that are depressed i hope u have alotta weed

but no take forever to grow plants take your fucking cock sucking time u always do anyway NEVER there when u r needed ALWAYS ALWAYS just a month away!!!
I live in small rural area and I've got a friend in a similar situation mate and it's fucked... He can't get medication or help from any doctors because he was open about the fact that he smokes marijuana to help his condition they refuse to help deciding that he just wants to get fucked up on pills...


Well-Known Member
I know I've been gone a while... but where has 420God gone to?

His last activity was 4/20... :-/

If anyone knows anything, hopefully you'll be able to shed some light on here or maybe through PM if you wish... I really liked that guy.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i was addicted to amphetamines for a very long time and when i managed to stop ,the doctors put me on anti depressants , and i can whole heartedly say , dont fuckin touch any kind of antidepressant , getting off the anti d's was sheer hell , 10x harder than getting off the amphet ( and that was fuckin bad enough) , those tablets are lethal imo they made me gain shit loads of weight and left me physically and mentally addicted to a shitty drug that in all honestly did very little for me .they give me extremely disturbing dreams every night and i suffered with sleep paralysation sp? were i could not wake from sleep properly , i could hear people talkin to me and was fully aware of everything going on around me ,and i knew i wanted to wake up but just couldnt break out of the sleep , very scary shit.
i honestly cant believe drugs like this are legally prescribed to people ,i have taken all kinds of illegal drugs and nothing has ever fucked me up so badly (in a horrible way ) than the antidepressants .
i now battle the depression and anxiety with just the weed and my own mental power .