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Well-Known Member
so i'm thinkign about killing myself, what would be the best way to do it. I want to go out with a bang. at least getting on the news would be good, but being known around the country would be better.

some ideas i had:
shootout, take some people with me!

car chase resulting in a horrible accident, again taking some people with me. maybe even shoot at them while im driving! I could start/end this with the shootout even.

strap myself with explosives, goto the top of a building yelling about how im gonna jump. once I draw a croid, jump ad hit the button, raining the bystanders in my guts

anyone else got some good ideas?


Well-Known Member
those ideas are pretty much all jsut destructive and more for the 'shock' factor if there was something I could do to help out the good of man kinds, I would be all for it


stays relevant.
dude I don't like hearing you talk like that. relax yourself homeboy. we don't need you being RIU version of "Ripper" from shroomery.


Well-Known Member
This guy has got to be joking..... $20 says he don't go threw with it. We'd see it on the news if he did. If we don't hear anything before Untited states' thanksgiving, then we know he chickened out. Any takers??


Well-Known Member
I think he's full of shit. And even if he isn't then does he have a legitimate rason to want to 'take as many people with him as he can'?

Medi user

Active Member
The way the world I doubt this would get past local news, so many bad things happening.

If you are having suicidal thoghts, overcoming them is your biggest challenge, there is some help available, but online forums are not going to be very helpful. You need to talk to someone face to face.

I have found this site helpful Suicide: Read This First


Well-Known Member
If you want to kill yourself, fine. However, you are not entitled to "taking out other people with you" as you so eloquently put it.


Well-Known Member
Fill up all your pockets with as much candy as you can, stuff it in your socks wherever...then jump off a building where theres a bunch of people at the bottom. They'll be tripping balls when a bunch of candy flies outta you like a pinata.


Well-Known Member
not saying you should commit suicide here, but if you do, super glue your hands to your head, after you've tied a cheesewire noose around your neck and tied it to your roof. then, when you jump off, it'll look like you pulled your own head off. :D


Active Member
I made a deal with my dad at 15 that before I went through with a suicide, I'd join the army. SATANSATANSATAN


Well-Known Member
not saying you should commit suicide here, but if you do, super glue your hands to your head, after you've tied a cheesewire noose around your neck and tied it to your roof. then, when you jump off, it'll look like you pulled your own head off. :D
now thats what i'm looking for! thx for the great idea!


Well-Known Member
i'll make sure to make a mention in my suicide note. oh and the fact taht that one dude owes $20
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