Summer colds, coughs and flu.


Well-Known Member
Fucking hate it! ¬_¬ I haven't gotten sick for 6 years, but it used to happen every year around Christmas time, this is the first time I've had a cold during the summer, what absolute bullshit!

/rant over.


Virtually Unknown Member
Not had one for a couple of years but...retired so no job/people kids bringing stuff home from school...and wash hands often. Would mostly get them in Jan/Feb, not summer.


Well-Known Member
Not had one for a couple of years but...retired so no job/people kids bringing stuff home from school...and wash hands often. Would mostly get them in Jan/Feb, not summer.
I thought it was hay fever at first, even though I don't suffer with it, as it was just a running nose but now I have developed a dry throat and started coughing a little as well as sneezing fits.


Well-Known Member
Fucking hate it! ¬_¬ I haven't gotten sick for 6 years, but it used to happen every year around Christmas time, this is the first time I've had a cold during the summer, what absolute bullshit!

/rant over.
u sure its a cold virus and not symptoms of something else? see a doc just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
I've been sick as a dog all day. Some 24 hour bug. My damn helper gave it to me yesterday. Today was the first time I've called off work in years.


Well-Known Member
just one day. lucky you. I have been sick for 4 weeks ! with check congestion , then to a sore throat, then ear aches, head aches, terrible tummy ache that will last a week and severe dizzy ness with a fever on and off, doctors could not give me any thing at all. cant take (any) medicine at all. treat it with vapor rub only, and sleep 15 hours a day, not even cold or flue meds, kidneys are weak, cant take zero meds, and let me tell you it FUCKING SUCKS , ok im done bitching, lol last bitch high gas prices. electric bills. gas bills,


Well-Known Member
just one day. lucky you. I have been sick for 4 weeks ! with check congestion , then to a sore throat, then ear aches, head aches, terrible tummy ache that will last a week and severe dizzy ness with a fever on and off, doctors could not give me any thing at all. cant take (any) medicine at all. treat it with vapor rub only, and sleep 15 hours a day, not even cold or flue meds, kidneys are weak, cant take zero meds, and let me tell you it FUCKING SUCKS , ok im done bitching, lol last bitch high gas prices. electric bills. gas bills,


Well-Known Member
My wife whipped up some ancient Chinese secret elixir. Perhaps only a placebo effect, but I do feel a little better.


Well-Known Member
hahaha i was just about to say dosn't that stuff just make your drowsy and not actually help a sore throat that much
nyquil was a friend before alcohol.. hah, and for sore throats? id just gargle salt water ( tap + table salt = relief )

o yea, this works on sore throats too, just gargle it
