Summer sun Vs. Winter Sun


Well-Known Member
Everybody knows that the sun is closer in the winter months. What i don't get is if this is true, why don't we grow better bud in the winter. C02 in the atmosphere?

and obviously i would be growing in the green house:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i thought we were farther from the sun, but at a better angle during the winter. OR SAaaAAMTHIiiIIN!


Active Member
i grow in a greenhouse in CO and during the summer the sun can get damn brutal and some days i do have to shade them. we get the full blast of the sun up here in the mountains


Active Member
According to Astronomy(which i'm taking right now and this is a general common fact)-What causes seasons is how the Earth is tilted. From the picture you can see that during summer in the northern hemisphere, the earth is tilted down(more lumens per square foot) and the sun has a more direct effect. During winter(northern hemisphere) the sun is shining directly towards the southern hemisphere(which is why during our winter its' their summer). So if you want to grow during winter, move southwards. Or the equator where its summer all year round.
The sun is at a tilted angle in the winter which makes the atmosphere seem thicker because its hitting it at an angle providing less rays to hit the earth