Super Closet 24 site bubble flow system any good


Active Member
I'm looking to go hydro. Was going to build a diy waterfall system using 17gal totes for bloom and 5gal pots for veg, e.g. 2 separate systems in 2 separate tents, 6-8 spots per tent. I was offered a nib super Closet 24 site bubble flow system in 6.6gal pots for a good deal which is basically 2 standalone 12 site systems with 2 air pumps, 2 reservoirs and two water pumps; just not sure how good the system operates since lines seem small and buckets are smaller. Should I just go with the diy or are they worth using and not restrict growth?
Have no experience with the system you mention, only NFT and yes DIY is good hence you are in a position to set things up, just the way you want them to be. After a run you will make changes no doubt, trial and error. My own NFT systems have been altered many times over during the years due to space changes and demand for weed basically.

One could argue that getting a system which ready to plug and play straight away is better than DIY hence the timeframe is smaller, due to the fact that you have to spend time doing research on things and assembly etc. before you are ready to go and you can of course encounter problems during this period, not that store bought systems ready to go, cant give you issues aswell, but they are faster to setup for sure.

Have a good Sunday...
I am on my 2nd run with the 32 site superflow,I did have to add a water chiller,took a while to dial in a plug and play system,also added o2 stones back in the feeding tubes,so 4 stones in the rez and I in each tube,will be going back to a regular flood table