Super Lemon Haze---- Got some questions??


Well-Known Member
Sup RUI,

I have a SLH mother plant and 6 clones (attempting)!!

My clones are have drip lines on them (I need a timer, i know soon!!), no bump or anything yet, I had a huge light leak inside the rez that i just fixed today (forgot to black out the top of the rez). I mist regularly, i only used the root hormone, i have some Superthrive, but had a bad experience with it and have not yet used it with these clones. All of my clones are at attention, looking green and healthy, i have one that have one with yellowing/brown on the (bottom) leaves. Water temp is 78' and clones are 95+ humidity and 78-82'. I am using distilled water. Got 2 bubble wands in....I know i need a timer, anything else?

On the same day i cloned i also topped my plant. Plant seems to be recoving well, very green, no burn or droop. I watered just before cloning/topping plant usually is watered every 3 days but its been longer since the top/clone, a little shock i think, but its comming out of it, will need to feed plant in another 2-3 days and will be tranfering to the flowering tent. Any suggestions?

One concern i have are these little black beetle i have been finding in my plant soil and at times on my plant, i search all day for them and still not sure if its the right thing but all i could come up with is a carpet beetle. Like i said i dont see any damage, no spots,nibble marks, on leaves or trunk/stem and its been a little over 3 weeks and since i have had them ive have NO problems with spidermites or whiteflies (usually i do, but more in flowering) .The little beetle are very commom in the summer time and are usually found in my bathroom, i will even admit to putting them in my plant when i find them lately. When i was a child we would collect them we called them water bugs because they would come out when we turn the water on outside. They dont bite or smell anyway when you smash em. They burrow down or just cruise the top soil. But today (2 times) i seen beetles stationary at the site where i cut my plant and upon looking closer, it looks as if a hole is forming and they are starting to eat at that cut. Any insight??

Well if you can take a look at the pic and let me know what you think?!?!

I dont know but if i could just put some neem oil at the topped site to keep em out, they are a good benefit for the rest of the plant......



Well-Known Member
Here are some pic of my girl and my new well old now boy. She is a little over 4 and he is a little over a year. She is in heat and we think they may be pregnant. He has been try to hump her and before she was in heat she would fight him tooth and nail, now they all all lick eachother and she just waiting for the doggy style, he just cant get close enough..... But i think he may have got her cause of late she is snappy, mean always hot and panting and he has been really gentle with her and he is a fisty one... But enjoy my American Bullies!!!1I hope more to come....


These pic are from Jan. 2010 when she was just recoving from Valley Fever... She got really sick and lost alot of weight, she was just recovering you can see it in her eyes, we caught it REALLY early and still she almost died... She is %100 now and hey have both gain weight and gotten bigger... I hope she has babies!!


Well-Known Member
cool man, good luck with everything. nice dog. i have 2 pits myself, absolutly love the bully breeds, glad t hear your dog recovered.

I am growing slh also, hear its an amazing strain.


Well-Known Member
I had a harvest of it, it smoked/taste great!! I am just tied of those light airy buds, so i gave this one an extra long veg and i am loading it down with FF nutes!! I am thinking about starting a journal..
