Super-newb - Aerogarden Grow


Well-Known Member
never seen that before man, not too sure, i use the small tabs for my nutes, the large tabs are basically 2 small ones, so i think you added too much cause half of a big tab is one small, so you would only need to put the half of that half in the rez for 1/4 strength, if that makes sense haha. so the smalles tabs, break it in half, and use a half of a half and slowly work your way up but let them chill in fresh pH'd water for a couple days, and you should be good, 6.2 is way too high, i even think 6 is high, but to each there own, keep it 5.7 to 5.9 the highest


Active Member
hey leova,i know the gods are lookin apon ur grow but i had the same problem using big nute tabs that came with the ag,i found the only solution to the problem was to fill half the res with water,then mix 1 big tab with 2l of water and ad the solution till a little past fill here thingy,it did work while plants were small,until they started using the water in res in about 3-4 days,then i had problems correcting nute levels in turn setting off ph of water,i think the safest bet is to only use ph'd water for first 2-3 weeks,plants dont need anything but light,warmth, and water at early stages.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on the half-and-half, thats actually what i did last night. Siphoned out 1/2 the water, then put in 1.5L of brita water with a 1/4 small tab, seems like they're enjoying it so far

Pics on Sunday :)


Well-Known Member
Can't wait till Sunday, they're so fiiiine!!:hump:

I dared to move them, but I think it worked out nicely. Now the 2 biggest ones are in the corners, with the tiny one in between and the other guy, well, right there also.
Pullin' those AG pods out was so painful! It hurt my soul having to tug at those lovely ladies, and oh how careful you gotta be... phew! :weed:

Went to Petco and got a thermometer, its showing my Res temp at a constant 85-90, and the AG surface temp at 90-95. Are those good temps, or do I need to cool things down?
Also bought some PH Up/Down, and my PH reading right now is 6.0. Should I try to lower it?

Now, I do have a couple concerns. When I first nute-burned my ladies, they got through it alright only because the big gal took the brunt of the damage. As you can see in the pictures, her lower leaves are all brown and droopy, and one of them looks more or less done-for...
Should I trim these brown leaves off? :confused:

Also, I'm concerned about my plants' water consumption. I almost never have to top off my AG, maybe every 3-4 days. Seems like they should be drinking more, right? How can I encourage them to drink more?
Maybe turn off the AG pump so the sponges aren't always wet?

Their root systems are long and water-ful, except for the little guy in the center, because he's still a wee little lad! :smile:

Also, how long do the AG nutes usually last? Should I re-nute and flush every 3-4 days, or do they last a full week? Only using 1/4 strength right now, only once so far(after the initial burn) a couple days ago.


First few(3) are from a couple days ago. In the groupshots you can see the nute-burn damage, compared to the later pics from today.
"Snazzy Skunk" can be seen in the second picture.

Next set(4) are from yesterday, after their move to new housing on the West Side of AeroGardenVille.
Second pic in the set is my main lady, haven't named her yet. Her top half of leaves is green and lush, but the bottom half is brown and dying. I'm thinking of cutting these off...should I wait till she's older so she can handle the stress, or are they leaching nutrients and slowing her growth?
3rd pic is "Sexy Skunk", and you can see how one of her leaves curled a bit, I think from the stress of the move. Maybe she broke a nail...

Last set(4) is from just now. Group-pic first, of course. I decided to give "Sexy Skunk" the most room, and stuck an airstone near her as well.
Second pic is the big gal, again notice the brownage. Still growing nicely, I hope to be able to top her once that next leaf-set fills out.
Pic 3 is Sexy Skunk, Pic 4 is Snazzy. And the little guy in the middle of it all is doin' just fine, seems to be handling the nutes OK, maybe because his roots didn't reach to the bottom(where the damn stuff seems to always settle, probably because it's salt-based)

:bigjoint: :bigjoint: :weed: :peace:



Well-Known Member
did you figure out that light?
If not cut the cord abuty a foot from the base pull the cord threw take out the segments you dont need, run the wire back threw the cord has two wires inside split them in two on both ends get two wire nuts strip the plastic off both ends of each of the four wires the twist the 2 matching wires together make sure they match up then twist the wire nuts on get black electrical tape, tape each up nut real well then tape them together and plug it in Vualla.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
lol...your girls actually look very healthy. I think you just got a little nute burn there. Remember to only flush out the rez once a week. Use one fresh gallon of water + 1 nute tab. Dilute the tab in the gallon first then refill the rez with it. Also have another gallon on the side that has 1 full nute tab in it as well. Use THAT ONE to top of the rez as needed throughout the week. Then at the end of the week you just flush the rez and repeat the process....

This process allows you to keep a consistent PPM in the rez...this is important!!

if you are renuting every 3 - 4 days your gonna burn them

They will drink more when they get thirsty... add more lights.

But like I said they loook real good man.. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Would this work?

Instead of cutting wires, could I just stand it up like that against the wall? I'd be wasting one of the lights, but its a temporary measure anyways....

Will CFLs work with a lamp-style like that?

edit: Thanks mr alex! Im gonna use 1/4 to 1/2 nute tab for now though, wanna step it up incrementally, REALLY dont wanna burn em again!
I love the backup gallon idea though, will definitely do that!



Well-Known Member
That fixture is no good. The cfl's emit sideways remember... so they wont hit the plant. You gotta go get some cheap clamp lights at home depot... 6-8 bux.. add a Y splitter for 2 bux and vualla!!


Well-Known Member
yeah, thats what i figured...that's next on my shopping list, just had this lamp laying around and thought it might work.
ah well!
I have most of the answers anyone would have about the AeroGarden. I have had one for some time and I know all the good things and bad. You can leave town for a couple of days with out a problem. Once the roots are fully developed you will have to water it much more though. Only use a external timer. The timer that is built in is ok but if you ever have to unplug the aero garden it will forget where it is on its cycle.


Well-Known Member
I have most of the answers anyone would have about the AeroGarden. I have had one for some time and I know all the good things and bad. You can leave town for a couple of days with out a problem. Once the roots are fully developed you will have to water it much more though. Only use a external timer. The timer that is built in is ok but if you ever have to unplug the aero garden it will forget where it is on its cycle.

lol... Check this is out GreenHippy...


Well-Known Member
My leaves have been yellowing recently, and I'm a bit concerned.

Any thoughts? PH looks to be approx 6-6.2, maybe a bit high?

Also, I bought this lamp for my room(just regular lamp uses), but then figured it might be good for growin...unfortunately, its 5ft tall!
As you can see, its got the cord running all the way through, coming out the bottom end via a screw. Does it look like it can be removed, or can I somehow splice the wire?
(I'm not an electrician, so its gotta be simple and safe...)

The roots are lookin' nice, stickin out the AG sponges and some reaching into the water. Nice and white :)
This light! and yea i am fuckn blazed its 2am and i am wawawawawa BLAZED!!!!!!!!
But the shit will work!


Well-Known Member
Would this work?

Instead of cutting wires, could I just stand it up like that against the wall? I'd be wasting one of the lights, but its a temporary measure anyways....

Will CFLs work with a lamp-style like that?]

Yes if you cut the shroud with a hack saw !CHEEP!

I am so fuckn broke i cant pay attention.

What was the the question oh yea, cut the black thing off where the bulb screws in, dont cut the screw in part though.

Luck yo


Well-Known Member
But guys, here is my #1 question/concern:

Should I trim off/remove all those dead brown leaves, or leave them on?


Well-Known Member
Leave them on..... u dont want to add to any stress. It wont spread to the rest of the plant or anything. Like I said, your plants actually look very healthy.. I would be more concerned about stabalizing your PPM in your base.... refer back to my reply from last night....


Well-Known Member
@CMK: I think that's just the angle of the pic. You mean on the leaves about the brown one? I think they're just upcurled a bit, the angle makes it look like holes, heh

@ MrAlex: Will definitely do that :)