Super noob outdoor grow! Help! Pics!

Hey All!

I am very new to the grow scene. Although i have many hours of online research under my belt (but who of us doesnt), I am lacking in much experience, but i am very much in love with not only plants, but marijuana (the texture, the look, the smell, ect.). I am very eager to learn and be successful in this area, and not many others, so i am asking for the experienced' assistance.

To be honest i wasnt up to buy any special strain seeds, because of the difficulty of growing and the expenses and risk. So i simply saved some bag seeds from some of the best middies i could find, and started germination.

The germination went well, and got me very excited, so i planted six plants in six seperate plastic cups, but 3 of them were lost due to water damage (my assistant neglected to cut holes in the bottom of the cup.. it rained.. go figure) so now i have 3 babies that are about 3 weeks old, and i am praying they will produce me some reward for my effort. and praying to god they arent a majority of males

At about 3 weeks, the plants are only roughly 6 inches tall, with about 6 leaves each, which to my knowledge sounds quite small for their age.

I figured they were not getting enough sunlight, due to tall trees, so i moved them to a field
(it is a guerilla grow, although close to home and in an area with almost no human activity, i am trying to keep them discrete as possible JIC)

i havent used any extra fertilizers or pesticides yet, but i know this is something that will ave to be done soon

Basically i am simply treating them like i would every other plant, watering and checking on them every 2-3 days (depending on weather) but all seems to simple, i suppose i just dont have the patience, but i want to know what i can do, with little to no expenses, to make my plants as large and beautiful as possible

also, i would like to know when they should be planted in the ground, and if i should mix the type of soil (potting soil) in which they are in with the natural dirt, or simply dig a hole and fill it with potting soil

all help and replies are appreciated, and i hope to hear from the best of you soon


I have some pictures up of the 3 plants, they were planted around the first or second weekend in may and now they are as seen (which from what ive read, is much too small for their age) i believe they arent getting enough sun, because i am trying to keep it discrete, but i moved them to a field where at about 7:00pm they were still getting light.
also, their leaves have a few holes (maybe bugs?), and white spots (in picture) , which i assume is from the sun
check the pics and tell me what you think

also, i germinated a few more seeds, but forgot about them so it has been atleast 5 days, are the bad now?? or can i still plant them, some are very long, up to 2-3 inches

i am going to get some neem oil and fertilizer (dont know what kind) tomorrow



ha, i started them outdoors as seeds
but they were very sun deprived but i have moved them to a much better spot and im hoping to see some improvement
i dont know what kinda fertilizer to get, because i think they need it pretty bad
but i did get some fruit and herb pesticide today, and plant on transferring the plants to pots tomorrow
i am currently using a potting soil, should i just stick to filling the pots with that or
should i mix natural dirt into my potting soil,
or do you think i should just plant them straight into the ground (in a spot mixed with natural dirt and potting soil)?


Well-Known Member
Get some Miracle Grow Moisture control (you need it - you muddy up your pots) you should only have to water every 3 days. Watch what that pesticide does - some stuffs too harsh and burns plants.. kills bugs - but burns plants. In the ground is best, like you said mixed with some bagged soil - doesn't matter if its potting or not. Most bagged soils have nutes tossed in, if you want though pick up some fish emulsion at ur local nursery and follow its directions when watering.
Ive read some bad stuff about MC
i dont really wanna use MG at all if i can help it, but they look pretty muddy cause i just watered them, fairly heavily too because the next day was suppose to be very hot


Well-Known Member
I would try to LST that fucker to help stop the stretching. If not, I don't think that plant will be able to support it's buds if it keeps going at this rate.


Well-Known Member
Ive read some bad stuff about MC
i dont really wanna use MG at all if i can help it, but they look pretty muddy cause i just watered them, fairly heavily too because the next day was suppose to be very hot
That is very funny you've been talking to the wrong people I live in the desert and look at my outdoor/indoor grow bro,you can find my thread in the newbie section Miracle Grow is all I used in a 5 gallon pot that drains out of two holes on the bottom.Titled Flowering/Watering/Pics


Well-Known Member
MG's got a bad rap cause it's the most commonly used soil for beginners, therefore all their fuckups get blamed on it. FDD says MG's fine, but who's gonna believe a guy with 12 ft plants. Anyways most any commercial soil should be fine. LST is Low Stress Training, it's where you bend the plant downward to combat vertical growth. I'd just stake the plant and add silica since LST is going to throw off your center of gravity and lean your plant to death possibly.


I would definitely go in the ground if you can. If the summer temps get high they will get too stressed in pots especially if you don't check them multiple times a day. Where i live it gets close to 100 and i can water 2 or 3 times a day no problem. I keep them in pots in case i have to move them for security reasons but it sounds like you won't have that issue.
Dig as big of a hole as you can and fill it with the best bagged soil you can find. Personally, i would not use a chemical fertilizer such as miracle grow. Outdoor organic buds will be well worth the effort. Use bat guano and earthworm castings in the soil and water with a tea from the same stuff. Fish emulsion is good too. There is also blood meal and bone meal.
I think your biggest challenge will be the pests. I would also look for organic pest control especially once flowers start to form.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Hey All!

I am very new to the grow scene. Although i have many hours of online research under my belt (but who of us doesnt), I am lacking in much experience, but i am very much in love with not only plants, but marijuana (the texture, the look, the smell, ect.). I am very eager to learn and be successful in this area, and not many others, so i am asking for the experienced' assistance.

To be honest i wasnt up to buy any special strain seeds, because of the difficulty of growing and the expenses and risk. So i simply saved some bag seeds from some of the best middies i could find, and started germination.

The germination went well, and got me very excited, so i planted six plants in six seperate plastic cups, but 3 of them were lost due to water damage (my assistant neglected to cut holes in the bottom of the cup.. it rained.. go figure) so now i have 3 babies that are about 3 weeks old, and i am praying they will produce me some reward for my effort. and praying to god they arent a majority of males

At about 3 weeks, the plants are only roughly 6 inches tall, with about 6 leaves each, which to my knowledge sounds quite small for their age.

I figured they were not getting enough sunlight, due to tall trees, so i moved them to a field
(it is a guerilla grow, although close to home and in an area with almost no human activity, i am trying to keep them discrete as possible JIC)

i havent used any extra fertilizers or pesticides yet, but i know this is something that will ave to be done soon

Basically i am simply treating them like i would every other plant, watering and checking on them every 2-3 days (depending on weather) but all seems to simple, i suppose i just dont have the patience, but i want to know what i can do, with little to no expenses, to make my plants as large and beautiful as possible

also, i would like to know when they should be planted in the ground, and if i should mix the type of soil (potting soil) in which they are in with the natural dirt, or simply dig a hole and fill it with potting soil

all help and replies are appreciated, and i hope to hear from the best of you soon


I have some pictures up of the 3 plants, they were planted around the first or second weekend in may and now they are as seen (which from what ive read, is much too small for their age) i believe they arent getting enough sun, because i am trying to keep it discrete, but i moved them to a field where at about 7:00pm they were still getting light.
also, their leaves have a few holes (maybe bugs?), and white spots (in picture) , which i assume is from the sun
check the pics and tell me what you think

also, i germinated a few more seeds, but forgot about them so it has been atleast 5 days, are the bad now?? or can i still plant them, some are very long, up to 2-3 inches

i am going to get some neem oil and fertilizer (dont know what kind) tomorrow

Those plants arent looking that bad for not being grown all that properly, anyways what I would do is just transplant them into 1 gal pots or just bigger pots with some potting soil, dont mix any dirt into your potting soil, it isnt neccessary and prolly wont help, it would be good though to mix some perlite into the potting soil(perlite is the lil white pebbles), mae sure the pots have drainage holes lol, once they are able to be sexed, kill the males and keep the females, then, dig a GIGANTIC hole, fill it with the exact same potting soil with perlite, and transplant your plants into the big hole in the ground, also, those plants dont need any nutes really right now, you can start feeding them very light veg nutes though, oh and most important for outdoor growing: AT LEAST 5 HOURS DIRECT SUNLIGHT, so make sure they are in a good sunny spot so they can grow big!


Active Member
Very important! When you either repot or put them in the ground...bury them all the way up to the first set of serated leaves. All that stem that you bury will turn into root. It will help make the plants stronger and not so leggy (stretched). IMHO...for fertilizer...especially if you're putting them in the ground...either just use miracle grow or another soil with nutes added like the others said...or use some kind of time release granulated ferts. Waaaay easier for a remote grow.
Good luck
Thats some good shit
thanks guys,
i just transplanted them to bigger pots, and i plan on putting them in the ground in a couple weeks if they look good
also i am going to put some pesticides on them, they are organic and used for vegstables, fruits, herbs, and all eatable plants so i assume they would be safe for pot, although is says "3 in 1" so that kinda scares me as far as traumatizing them
does anyone know when i should start lookin for sex traits?


Well-Known Member
you can just bury the seedlings to a desired depth - like maybe a few cm (1-2") from cotyledons and first node.. this will take care of the stretch. Good luck. otherwise they look pretty healthy. Walk On!~