super phosphate


Active Member
hi everyone i have a female plant flowering she is about 2 feet tall and doing well... i found some super phosphate for plants in my garage and wonder if i could use it on my plant???it says good for blooming plants and flowers.. i am wondering if i just sprinkle some around the plant will be good enough..btw i cant water it so the phosphate will soak in after 4 days before we get more rain....


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't go using some random stuff I found in the garage. If you want to give your plant food, give them the good stuff. Look into some quality nutrients. I'm not a soil grower, so I can't help you with that. More importantly, if your plant is doing well, leave it be until you're sure of what you're doing. No point in fixing something that isn't necessarily broken.


Active Member
I have a two foot tall plant and is in flowering stage. I found some super phosphate and I mixed a heap up with sum water and watered the plant. The next day it was all droopy and it looked like it was dying. I watered it again just with plain water after awhile and today the leaves and white hairs are sticking back up and its getting back to its original shape. Has anyone used this stuff? Is it any good? Would the drooping leaves be a result of too much phosphate?