super powers, you can only have one, what, and why

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
you can only have one of these super power and what would you do and why

power: invisibility
limitation: every time you turn it on you would be blind, because your coronea is also transprante

power: flying
limitation: you can only fly as fast as you can move you muscle. so however fast and far you can run, your flying ablity is also controll at the speed, you even sweat

power: strong man
limitation: you have unlimited strength but you have to build up to it , meaning you have to work out to get up to the lifting ablity- the more you work out the stronger you get to no end

power: never get tired
limitation: you can run forever- but only at your strength and you never sleep

power: inpenetrable skin
limitation: if you get sick the doctors cant help you no cutting your skin no needles your skin can survive a nuke. blast but you can die from lack of oxygen

power: shape shifting
limitation: shape only your skin is the same and you still have bone- you can trun you hand into a hammer but it would still be a hand-no moving parts

power: teleportation
limitation: you can only trade places with someone- you can only jump into there space trading clothes and everything

power: telekinecs (moving things with you mind)
limitation: you can only lift things that are equal to things you can physicaly lift or move

power: super hearing
limitation: unless you are looking at it you cant zero in on it

power: brainiac
limitation: limitless brain storage ablity-cant forget anything

power: ghosting
limitation: being able to walk through things, the only thing is when ever you turn it on you fall down to the next level up under you (you cant fly so all you can do is slip down to the level under you )

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
this is surposed to be a fun get high game,,, i guse i may taken all the fun out of it with the rules


alot of those seem more like weaknesses than super powers lol

but i would just take the brainiac thing and invent a bunch of the shit from star trek cuz i'd be super smart then i wouldn't need super powers :P

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Dude, I couldn't not sleep, even if I could run forever. I like sleeping waaay too much.

But that super hearing sounds epic, as long as you can just turn it on. It might even work out to your advantage. Let's say you're at a construction site, and you think there's a shady deal going on out back in a black car. The construction work is really loud, so if your super-hearing just amplified everything, you'd probably go deaf. But you could stare at the car and everything else might be normally loud, but the car people would be extra loud.

Unless, of course, you can't switch the super hearing on and off. Then it would suck.

Telekinesis, too, would be bangin'. You don't really need to be able to lift much to use that effectively. I mean, as long as you could physically do it, then you can mentally do it, right? So, I could mentally open and close doors and windows, punch through glass, grab people and pull them towards me. The only thing that would be hard is lifting ojbects. You can push or pull far more weight than you can lift, because the object itself can be used to propel itself better. Like, an object resists less to forward motion than to direct opposition to gravity. And you could just push people over, grab backpacks. Is there a limit to how far away you can use telekinesis? I'd think if it wasn't in your direct space, or maybe within sight.


Dude, I couldn't not sleep, even if I could run forever. I like sleeping waaay too much.

But that super hearing sounds epic, as long as you can just turn it on. It might even work out to your advantage. Let's say you're at a construction site, and you think there's a shady deal going on out back in a black car. The construction work is really loud, so if your super-hearing just amplified everything, you'd probably go deaf. But you could stare at the car and everything else might be normally loud, but the car people would be extra loud.

Unless, of course, you can't switch the super hearing on and off. Then it would suck.

Telekinesis, too, would be bangin'. You don't really need to be able to lift much to use that effectively. I mean, as long as you could physically do it, then you can mentally do it, right? So, I could mentally open and close doors and windows, punch through glass, grab people and pull them towards me. The only thing that would be hard is lifting ojbects. You can push or pull far more weight than you can lift, because the object itself can be used to propel itself better. Like, an object resists less to forward motion than to direct opposition to gravity. And you could just push people over, grab backpacks. Is there a limit to how far away you can use telekinesis? I'd think if it wasn't in your direct space, or maybe within sight.
Oh I like sleeping too.. alot! What's sounds goot about never being tired is that... I wouldn't feel tired and want to sleep. I'm tired all the time, it would be a refreshing change. Imagine all the things you could do and accomplish if you were awake and alert 24/7.

My nest choice would be the inpenetrable skin. I'd take my chances on getting sick and not being able to be helped by doctors, or the chance of being suffocated. You would be an unstoppable tank! Bullets... screw em, knives... laugh, explosives... toss another grenade at me, it tickles.

The super hearing would be cool too.. Imagine the things you could listen into! But I agree, if it was on 24/7 it would be a curse.

Telekinesis, you could make a fortune with that power even though it's gimped by your actual physical strength. Moving objects with you mind would be the shit. Even though your limited.


Maybe I'm just really high, but I didn't see any typos at all until you pointed them out with this post. I read it perfectly the first time.
Haha! I should keep my mouth shut next time.

Man I wish I was really high. I'm jealous!

I refuse to buy or smoke the brick dirt weed around here, so it's booze for me.

I got some bag weed girls in the closet, but they are at the least a month out.

I got a chuckle out of a thread here about sampling unripe buds because I've been tempted to do just that. I know i'd be sorry in the long run though.


Well-Known Member
telekinesis that would be fucking sweet.

Invisibility would be cool to but being blind would suck.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
flight would be cool but i would nt want to try and fly across an large body of water

the one i would choose is, moving things with my mind, and this would make me rich and get me a ton of pussy i would go to all the cosino in the world

the brainiac thing would prolly make you into a bad guy knowledge is to much power it would sooner or later turn you into a bad guy


Well-Known Member
Telekinesis would be my choice because living would become much easier & it should also provide at least some defense against the other superpowers should one attack you.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Telekinesis would be my choice because living would become much easier & it should also provide at least some defense against the other superpowers should one attack you.
gr8 choice if you could keep that a secret you could become the worlds best magician $$$$$$