Super Silver Haze Grow

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
Today i bent down the 4 big SSH plants the were around 140cm and i couldnt raise my lights enough without burning my plants so i started the bend them to save space and alow the to continue growing. I have posted the pics so you will have to goto the profile and check it out. After i bent down the plants they now became 110cm, i will continue bending as the plants get too tall, i rather have them really wide and bushy with lots of yeild insted of tall and burnt.

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
Took a look good look at the SSH today, its really begining to get really sexy! Lots of new tops and floewers covered in white hairs everywere. I think it will be alright to take a bud for 420 just to check it out and get a little taste, but i think around the first week of May until its completly ripe. The girs are now 4 weeks into flowering and i think now it will begin to get really interesting. I will be posting up some new pics soon...

King D.

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
Not too much has changed since my last post, the plants have strethed a little and the flowers have gotten a little larger, but besides that not too much change has been noticed. I will most likley wait another week or two until i post the next pics cuz its kinda cool too see the difference between the pics not just seeing the same thing. I was hoping i could get a test bud for 420 but i dont know we will have too see. Like I said i havent noticed much difference this week and if the flowers dont start evolving soon then i might start stressing, i need these plants to be done around the first week of May or latest 2nd week of May. Well I will keep everyone posted.

King D.

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
I am noticing that the plants are really stretching the past few days, its really starting to get big. I have got my lights up as high as they can go now and they are still going up so i have been bending the shit out of them to get them down but the lower branches have gotten too tall, i guess they are around 135cm-140cm and i have seen that i have begun to burn two of the higher leaves. I will most likely bend down all the branches that get too tall or reposition my lights to hit the plants from a different angle, i ll just have to see what happens. But besides the stretching i havent really seen alot of change in the flowers, who knows maybe there has been a few more bud spots but no swelling or anything yet. I will post new pics soon....

King D.

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
I am starting to see the flowers/buds begin to swell, its almost 420 and i plan to have just a little taste of it and also have a little hash to smoke while i sit out and fish next to the BBQ....ahhhh.....its gonna be great... well yeah since my last post i have rebuilt the way my lights are hanged so i got them up quite a bit, i was beggining to notice that a few of the leaves where starting to burn. I guess now i wont have any more problems with the hight of the plants. I also have 5 feminized ice and 5 feminzed shaman seeds that i have planed into my next grow witch i would also like to have some SSH in as well, but i have been getting seen and stopped too much from the cops latley so i will probly wait a little with my next grow after this one gets done. Dont worry wont be too long i will probly wait 2 or 3 months or somthing. Keep it REAL.

King D.

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
Hey hope everyone knows what tomarrow is????? Well just in case i might be too stoned tomarrow to say this i might as well say it now.......HAPPY 420 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member
Whoa today i got a real scare.... i was down in my grow room smoking a bowl when i heard someone coming into the basement door, i turned of the timer as soon as i heard the sond and stayed quite. For about 10 minutes i am sitting there just listening to the person going through their storage unit and then listened to the footsteps in the darkness to hear when the coast was clear. Before the person left he opened my storage unit door and took a peek in, luckly i have one more door to go through to actually get to the plants. The door then closed and the person left, luckly that wa all if he would have been just a lilttle nosier and tryed to open the secret door into the grow room he would have got the suprise of his life. haha.... If he would have called the cops they probly would have already been here so i hope everything is cool.

King D.

King Dingaling

Well-Known Member

I came home yesterday after being out to buy some hash and the cops raided me for the hash and searched my appt and basement! when they arrived they took me right away with the hash and my appt keys, my wife was upstairs with our 2 yr old girl. Well they put me in the car and began to question me about the hash and how many hundred grams i had at home, by the way all they took me with was 20gs of hash. They then took my keys and went storming into the appt building, after about 15-20min one cops come back to the car where i was sitting with another idiot cop and he says...... Whoa i found your little operation you have down there. I then respond with.... oh you found the babys..... he then anwered with... Babys!!! ha !!! those trees where over 170cm!!!!!......

So that was that, i had 2 weeks left on the SSH and its all gone, the lights are gone, EVERYTHING is gone. Even my phone that is now with an analasis to see if the can pin some more shit on me. If i get lucky they will understand that the plants were only for my own use. I will soon post pics on what the grow room looks like now after the raid, and i gotta tell you.... it looks like a nightmare, a real tragidy....... Its all pretty f#@k'd up for me but just wait im not done yet, i got some pretty good new ideas so i will be back soon with a new post.


King Dingaling

Well-Known Member

king d.