Super Skunk Auto - Outdoor - Southern Hemisphere.

I don't see why you cant?i do that to my photos a lot...most times I let my bottom 3rd/half go another couple weeks...cant see why you cant do that with an auto?
I might try it huh and see how it goes. Only one way to find out! lol. Did you check out the other pic? that top looks ready.
yep I just l;ooked then...for sure man if it was me today id prob cut the main nugget of leave the rest for another few days or so :)
Yeah just a couple of months lol. Haven't been on here for donkeys! haven't grown anymore either, missed my chance for planting my big bugger for this season, been busy with family shit. Dog killed my other plant so haven't really had anything to add as of yet. I will be back up and running though! hope you have been well rubes.
by the way, I wasn't keen on my Super Skunk, it was nice but soft airy buds not like the white widow which was nice solid buds.