Superthrive or SuperJive?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I checked out this product years ago while working for a landscape supplier and came away with feeling of "well maybe." A lot of controversy surrounds the use of vitamin B1 (thiamine) as an amendment for plants, not just in the cannabis growing community. Plants have the ability to synthesize their own B1 naturally. The label on this product is very sketchy. Supposedly to protect the manufacturers proprietary rights but I suspect it is more along the lines of "Bovine Scatology."
Rather than relying purely on anecdotal evidence, I plan on doing a controlled study to find out if this product is effective, non-effective or even detrimental. Using identical genetics maybe a bit problematic but the rest of the experiment will be dead-on as I have 10 plants that are similar sized (all planted in the same media, time etc.) I'll post the results here in a few weeks and see if group #1 (untreated) vs. group#2 (treated) show any significant differences. Anyone know of another study?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
According to the Master Gardeners talk shows I listen to, "The Snake Oil looking Labeling on the package is a bit much, but it does what it says it will do." Mostly used for vitamins, but the main purpose is for sick plants, like an IV for emergencies. Other than that, I would use 1/4 dosage about once per month. A test would be nice.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
it really works great as far as reviving plants and trees in general. it really works! i also grow fruits and veggies. when i use it on my fruit trees, it makes a hella difference as dar as growth.regardless of what the label says, or what differences in opinion people have with this, the bottom line is it works for me. real time results from hands on use, not just hearsay.....


Well-Known Member
I know a horticulturist who swears by it. The horticulturist has used it for years and explained it as "eating healthy meals every meal of your life"