suprised they are still alive, suggestion welcome


Outdoor grow
Sprouted just around the week of 4/20
Water when it rains or if needed

Their story:

bought what I thought was good soil and replanted in 5 gal buckets.
1st problem:
Came out to find nasty little green worms eating my plants
Soultion: got diple dust and spent hours and many beers later pulling off the little suckers and killing them. Gone! Had to cut off bottom leave of both plants after though:(
2nd issue=
Just a day or two after the worms I notice my soil does not look good- Turns out the soil was crap and...well I think you can even tell in the pic..soil was not draining
Soultion: Went and got I believe better soil. I did 1/3 of each= Good organic soil/the vermu stuff and perlite stuff, repotted and soil looks 100% better now. Also got a ph meter but it was a crappy one so may get a better one.

After they recovered from that, a horrible friend "knocked" over my bucket with my strongest plant, bam on the ground thought the top had snapped off...but turned out ok.

Now and 3rd issue:
Growing outside in 5gal buckets full sun from 7am-7pm(Way lower US), so crazy sun and hot). I have them partilally covered with tupperwear to help actually block the sun a bit, cause I think it was too much. Needless to say meter says ph is holding between 6.5 nd 7
So I know a lot has happened to them and I assume thats why they are still so small, but also you can see on both plants just the lower leaves getting icky. They both continue to make new leaves at their tops. Why are they soo small still and what is the brown on the leaves?
Plant 1= pic 1,2,3,4
Plant 2=8,9,10

lbottom brown leaves.jpg

crapy soil.jpgtoday.jpgStart of worms.jpgbigger plant.jpg leaves.jpgBout a week old.jpgsmaller plant.jpgCut off bottom 2 tiers of leaves.jpghum.jpgreplanted crappy soil.jpg