Surprise surprise tweed ups their prices


Well-Known Member
Hey gmack
Do u just come onto these threads to argue?
I wasnt arguing with anyone. I dont have a vested interest where anyone else gets their meds. Lp cc or bm are all the same to me.
People growing and selling to make money. Growing for profit is an entirely different issue to me and its those people that ruined it for the rest of us.
No matter what is said u have an argument. And proceed to call everyone else names. Then why join a discussion forum if not to converse and consider others viewpoints
No. I come here to spread the truth that people can access their meds how they see fit. I totaly agree with you growing for profit ruined it for all of us. And that's why I take a nasty tone with people that keep saying its illigal to get your med outside of the lp system. Btw highitsme and oldish are both trying to profit off of our sickness. So why would I be courteous to them? They are lieing to full their wallets. The only people I've called names are the fear mongers who are telling us we will go to jail, lose our jobs, houses and kids if we don't buy from their pipeline.


Well-Known Member
My doctor gave me a referral to a mmj specialist dr. That doctor wrote me a prescription. I have those documents.
I can look at them whenever i want too but what good does that do?
Your right i could just burn a day or two in court and it wont cost me anything.
Unless the judge is a dick and says ya so.
And charges me anyway.
All the laws are floating in a grey fog right now.


Well-Known Member
Lol how is this reasonable idea any diffrent then what I'm saying? Lol stop drinking the odd kooaid.
I may not agree with the option for myself, but there are many who cannot justify outright breaking the law by growing, e.g. folks with young families and the like. In that case, at this moment in time, it is the most reasonable somewhat legal (very loose term) option that gives them some protection and doesn't support the MMPR (or is it the Harper government?). Not here to take sides, this is a discussion, all opinions are valid to those who make them. I think that's a constitutional right, if not it should be ;)


Well-Known Member
I probably would never be charged and if i hobbled into court im sure id have the charges dropped but "aint no body got time for that"


Well-Known Member
gmack, take a minute..hit the bong, walk the dog...let him chase some squirrels and then come on back. Your stepping on some toes and the attitude isnt needed. Your pickin on the whole lot of us now, take it easy.


Well-Known Member
If your doctor says you need it, if he writes down a dosage then its a presciption. If you have a document that says "gmack needs marijuana to ease pain" that dont mean shit...well not shit but not as much as it should
Lol no it says

Medical document for medical marihuana purposes

Then has the doctors info taking up the top half of the page

The bottom half has my info then it says :written order
Medical diagnosis
_ I recommend cannabis to help my patien with his/her symptoms
_ this patient has reported that his/her symptoms are helped by cannabis and therefor, o. The basis of my knowledge, he/she should have access to it.
_ this patient has reported that his/her symptoms are helped by cannabis

Then it says how my a day I'm allowed for the period of one year.

Docs printed name, attest that the information contained in this document is correct and complete.

Signed and dated.

And as soon as I got it I had it's validity checked. I went and had a meeting with a Sargent in the drug squad. Who confirmed I'm now legal to possess mj. I'm not looking to pick a fight with you manc but your wrong onthis one.


Well-Known Member
I am 100% against people making profits off the backs of the sick and injured. Its those fuckers that facilitated the new system
Perhaps the anger should be directed at the government for not covering the cost of the mmj for the sick and injured?


Well-Known Member
gmack, take a minute..hit the bong, walk the dog...let him chase some squirrels and then come on back. Your stepping on some toes and the attitude isnt needed. Your pickin on the whole lot of us now, take it easy.
No I'm not picking on the lot of us. I'm picking on the small but loud minority who want you to fill their pockets.


Well-Known Member
Lol no it says

Medical document for medical marihuana purposes

Then has the doctors info taking up the top half of the page

The bottom half has my info then it says :written order
Medical diagnosis
_ I recommend cannabis to help my patien with his/her symptoms
_ this patient has reported that his/her symptoms are helped by cannabis and therefor, o. The basis of my knowledge, he/she should have access to it.
_ this patient has reported that his/her symptoms are helped by cannabis

Then it says how my a day I'm allowed for the period of one year.

Docs printed name, attest that the information contained in this document is correct and complete.

Signed and dated.

And as soon as I got it I had it's validity checked. I went and had a meeting with a Sargent in the drug squad. Who confirmed I'm now legal to possess mj. I'm not looking to pick a fight with you manc but your wrong onthis one.
The sargent is incorrect.


Well-Known Member
Us patients are never happy so do what makes you happy. If health canada introduced the Loli Pop program and nobody set up shop we would be upset. They set up shop were still upset. They set up shop for 12$ a gram were pissed, they set up for 5$ were pissed. A program where everyone can exist is the right program. But to tell me someone with "severe pain" can tend 200+ plants nu-un i dont believe em.


Well-Known Member
Us patients are never happy so do what makes you happy. If health canada introduced the Loli Pop program and nobody set up shop we would be upset. They set up shop were still upset. They set up shop for 12$ a gram were pissed, they set up for 5$ were pissed. A program where everyone can exist is the right program. But to tell me someone with "severe pain" can tend 200+ plants nu-un i dont believe em.
Well that's where designated growers come into play. Highitsme would love if the old system came back into effect.


Well-Known Member
You really have a hard on for him, he consults. No patient money has fed into the company (yet) and thats where hes being paid from.

even hippy isnt down his throat like this. me and hippy have cleared this place fairly good of lp fuckers. Some LP rep had the balls to tell us all home grows are full of mold and cat shit lol


Well-Known Member
I cant tend to 200 plants by myself but id love to be able to legally grow 4-6 for myself at all times and id be more than happy.


Well-Known Member
But i did know a couple guys that were designated that had twice their allowed plant count and not one plant went to the "patient" and only the straglers made it to the cc's.
As long as the lps have to meets all hc's system checks they wont have quality so whats left.