Survey how many people on here smoke their harvest?


Well-Known Member
just curious if everyone smokes on here because i wish i didn't so i could be making more money :cry:


Well-Known Member
dude selling weed is just asking for problems...grow for youself and consider the money you are saving by not having to buy...

i mean if you are going to sell drugs sell blow or something then you might actually make some money.

its pure biz, the overhead of pot is about nonexistant...if you sell enough to cover your own smoke your doing good.


Well-Known Member
dude selling weed is just asking for problems...grow for youself and consider the money you are saving by not having to buy...

i mean if you are going to sell drugs sell blow or something then you might actually make some money.

its pure biz, the overhead of pot is about nonexistant...if you sell enough to cover your own smoke your doing good.
what about my electric bill? not really any problems in college and coke clientel is maaad shady. i wouldn't smoke weed if i didn't dish it off, i can't remember the last time i actually paid for weed(in the sense of not making my money back) i refuse. on top of that i dont want that much tree just chillin in my spot cuz that means imma smoke more of it and think more about what others would pay


Well-Known Member
Im a proud pothead, smoke weed everyday and im happy happy :D
Like somebody told ya dont bother selling weed , but if you do grow a shit load of it so you will actually earn some $$$


Well-Known Member
Im a proud pothead, smoke weed everyday and im happy happy :D
Like somebody told ya dont bother selling weed , but if you do grow a shit load of it so you will actually earn some $$$
i could smoke a onion slow enough that it would last a month and get some bagseed for the desperation times. why is everyone acting like weed isn't a lucrative business?


Well-Known Member
I smoke every last trichome to myself ehe is that selfish? i also tell people how easy it is to make yourself happy buy growing, but 99% of the time it falls on def ears,ah well...puff puff blow. peace


Well-Known Member
I smoke every last trichome to myself ehe is that selfish? i also tell people how easy it is to make yourself happy buy growing, but 99% of the time it falls on def ears,ah well...puff puff blow. peace
i can dig it


Well-Known Member
I'm with you gotot. A lot of people here get all indignant and huffy when you mention selling weed. I got news for you people, the marijuana market is quite lucrative if you grow it yourself, and the risk involved is nowhere near what it is for selling coke or other hard drugs. The demand for the product is enormous compared to the coke market, and you never have to deal with people who sign over their paychecks for a bag.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you gotot. A lot of people here get all indignant and huffy when you mention selling weed. I got news for you people, the marijuana market is quite lucrative if you grow it yourself, and the risk involved is nowhere near what it is for selling coke or other hard drugs. The demand for the product is enormous compared to the coke market, and you never have to deal with people who sign over their paychecks for a bag.
well said, and to belabor the point it seems like a waste to not make any profit for class b and c felony charges:?


Well-Known Member
The money with pot is not that great unless you grow a-lot! And with large quantities comes large risk. If you can sell MDMA that is where the money is.

One possibility is cook all your leaf and trim and sell your smoke, this way you still get a little high and make some money.


Well-Known Member
The money with pot is not that great unless you grow a-lot! And with large quantities comes large risk. If you can sell MDMA that is where the money is. One possibility is cook all your leaf and trim and sell your smoke, this way you still get a little high and make some money.
Actually, the money you can make selling weed is phenomenal, even with small operations. I get $5000/lb and I usually produce between 5-6lbs every 4 months. Do the math. I would never sell something like MDMA because it is classified just like coke and heroin are. I'm not into going to jail for the rest of my life because I sold a handful of pills. You could get caught selling 10lbs of weed and the most you'd do is 3 years.


Well-Known Member
:peace:man i is just avin a giraffe, ad much rather grow and share with my friends, but if times are hard a would sell alittle, here in glasgow its very lucrative, because the street smoke is very low quality, and if you grow your own quality stuff you can get £10 a gram:peace:


Active Member
Of course I smoke it....I don't sell so what else can I do with it right?
Its really a hobby that arose out of the difficulty of finding a fair deal in my area. 60 bucks for some mids is becoming a trend and not one I'm willing to buy into. So for the last 8 months I've been largely doing it myself.

I love it personally.


New Member
I think it depends upon your situation.
I've known professional growers that never touch the stuff.
All about the business end to them. Can judgments be passed on them? Sure, just like everybody else, no different. Certainly, anyone who is a "professional grower" could make 6 figures at any large legal plant nursery. Or make even more than that growing their own legal plants. I'm guessing there is something more than money involved......

As for the rest of the growers, I'd suggest smokin and givin it away. An ounce of sweet homegrown is about the finest gift anyone can receive during the holidays. Even better than a fruit cake..... (is that possible?)



Well-Known Member
The money with pot is not that great unless you grow a-lot! And with large quantities comes large risk. If you can sell MDMA that is where the money is.

One possibility is cook all your leaf and trim and sell your smoke, this way you still get a little high and make some money.
or smoke the leaves and trim, it has more potency than bagseed