Switching to 600w hps for flower, good idea?


Active Member
I have 3 girls outside, 1 is probably coming into week 2 of flower the other one flipped nearly a week ago and the smallest one just has a few small pistils. I was planning on flowering them inside under a 600w hps just so I can control the smell better. Will it effect yeild and quality? And if so in a positive or negative way?



Well-Known Member
Yield, yes by a small bit but the plant vegged outdoors and that counts for a lot.
Quality will be about the same. That has more to do with genetics. Really the best growing set up is outdoors in hoop houses where no insects are a problem. It uses the sun's energy which is much better than any indoor grow light.


Active Member
So the yield would suffer a bit or increase slightly? And thanks man, I really would like to keep it outside but as far as neighbors and the smell go, I'm a bit worried about it. Then again if someone tried to pinch it my dogs would munch em up. They would also probably munch my plants if they could get to em haha


Active Member
So can anyone else clarify that for me? And if a 600w isn't going to be as good, how would a 1000w match up to the sun.


Well-Known Member
There is no grow light that can compare to the PAR the sun emits. That you vegged in full sun is what's gonna make a dif in ur yield. The 8 weeks in 600w HPS is a good way to flower them out. If u could move them back and forth daily from outside to inside that would be great. Mb just let them ride outside till the last month when they really wreak then inside for the remaining four weeks.


Active Member
Thought that may have been the case haha, thanks heaps mate.
Looks like that's what I'll do then. And I'll definitely be vegging outside from now on. Want a nice auto for off season, even though you can grow pretty much all year round here. Thanks again for ya help man.