You seem to have some type of bias against teenagers. Did you get beat up a lot in high school? Not all teenagers are poor-decision makers. Maybe if you live in the hood. A lot of these teenagers have shitty parents who are drugged up as well or alcoholics. So they grow up in a poverty-filled home in a terrible neighborhood with irresponsible parents. That wouldn't be their fault, they're just victims of unfortunate circumstances.Spice has a different high then weed, its very addicting, and teenagers dont care consequences and are most of the time willing to try it once. Also meth is illegal and it can easily kill you but yet I see a lot of teenagers in my area with a meth problem, tell me why is this? Dont they know they could just get a script and get there own bud?!?!?! I dun understand cuz dis r stoopid argumunt