Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Active Member
What up colleague ! Gett'n ready for the flip .. in honor of ur harvest. I don't want to start a journal on my first go round with ur system .. but I'll post a couple'a pics here and there in ur next journal .. just to show the dumb-berry's what ur system does with diff types of strains.

Just a thought .. why not do a Louie AND a tahoe in the set up ?? Guess Cheezy will be able to tell ya if their similar on nute uptake .. don't think strech is ever a problem for you tho !

Happy F'n New Year bro ! .. http://youtu.be/8qoCq-KsmZU


Well-Known Member
Awesome possum !.... ill be over id imagine next year....2nd... 3rd...ill see watsup...
Boil some water bastard... i want them to be sticky as fuck..... Well atleast its not hot out...
If it was hot ... i like to keep mine around 50 to 60 rh...
But if its cold i dont mind ,like now... i try to keep them aroun 40 to 50 ...

Its really impossible to fuck them up now.....
Hopefully next grow you can put a heater or something when lights are off..or keep the temps a couple dgrees higher....... so u wont have to bust your ass using serenade...
Dont think that cold temps will make bud denser...its more imo a matter of keeping em cool ...not cold silly...Cold temps equal problems ..especially when lights off....
The temperature swing can leave cuts more vulnerable....
Will u promise me that boy??

edit ...okay okay ill leave it alone...Im sorry ....
do what u like... by all means....
I just wanna smoke that shit now...
Yeah, that's one of the mistakes I made. I let dark temps fall too low. I was cold temp obsessed, and that certainly contributed to the PM.

Next go round, I'll keep them warmer in the dark, and seal of the tub extra carefully.

I have the suction fans on the box and cab running for first day of dry, then I shut it off and let them air dry with not fan. I just shut off both fans. The air is quite dry. Good lookin' out. I just checked on 'em. Zero grassy. A nice roasty almost caramel smell... and when you squeeze 'em... whoa. A bud fell off one of the hangers and scattered a bunch of tiny bud leaf shards and crystals. I scraped it up and smoked it. Wow.

Hey, Cheeze. I just went back and checked on the buds in the cab. I think they might have dried enough for me to jar some in order to get that 'moist' characteristic you were talkin' about. I'm gonna risk jarring a little because I detect zero grassiness.

I can't believe how fast these dried! It usually takes much longer. Or is it my imagination? Because it feels like you can come over and smoke these tomorrow if you want.

Do you think it's possible that these are so resinous that they could have become smokeable in less than 24 hours after cutting? I have a branch right in front of my face and it sure looks like it. Camera batteries charging. Photos in a minute.


Well-Known Member
well if your gonna put some in already .... just keep popping that jar open every two hours....
Since its probly still wet inside .... I never persnally dry longer than 4 to 5 days ....
Yes i have molded my buds by jarring to early.... but i do notice that it really depends on bud size..
Big buds take longer ... small ones dry out faster...obviously...

I always thought curing and drying can be the most impotant juncture in a grow...
if u want to get real sophisticated with it....get a smal thermometer thing that shows rh ....and put it in your jar....
If the rh goes beyond 60 ....open it up ....let it dry .... and close it back up....
Also i wouldnt reccomend jarring it already.... but it should dry rather fast in this humidity .... maybe 4 days tops if humidity stays low like this....

Good thing turning off the fan ... its dry enuff ....
its really a matter of personal preference.... but overdried buds arent as tasty ... and underdy no bueno tambien....


Well-Known Member
well if your gonna put some in already .... just keep popping that jar open every two hours....
Since its probly still wet inside .... I never persnally dry longer than 4 to 5 days ....
Yes i have molded my buds by jarring to early.... but i do notice that it really depends on bud size..
Big buds take longer ... small ones dry out faster...obviously...

I always thought curing and drying can be the most impotant juncture in a grow...
if u want to get real sophisticated with it....get a smal thermometer thing that shows rh ....and put it in your jar....
If the rh goes beyond 60 ....open it up ....let it dry .... and close it back up....
Also i wouldnt reccomend jarring it already.... but it should dry rather fast in this humidity .... maybe 4 days tops if humidity stays low like this....

Good thing turning off the fan ... its dry enuff ....
its really a matter of personal preference.... but overdried buds arent as tasty ... and underdy no bueno tambien....
That's brilliant. Why didn't I think of it? Won't let me rep you again. Dude, these are ready. Come over.


Well-Known Member
Good bud can fool ya during harvest ... ive smoked almost half a plant within 3 days of harvest...
But you know theyll get bettter ..as all the chloropyll exists... and the buds are evenly dried....
The thermos that im talking about are cheap ... just those tiny ones...
Cant remember the exact science ...or exact humidity it should be ....
but seems like once it gets to humid in the jar it ll mold.... so that small mercury temp thing can help u decide if there to wet still...
I know those tahoes are just ozzing with thc all over them ...so it may be trichy...i mean tricky..


Well-Known Member
Just a thought .. why not do a Louie AND a tahoe in the set up ?? Guess Cheezy will be able to tell ya if their similar on nute uptake .. don't think strech is ever a problem for you tho !

Happy F'n New Year bro ! .. http://youtu.be/8qoCq-KsmZU
that would be cool... louies been my favorite... but the last two i got from my club i ended up just giving them away...
I didnt think they were the real thing... i picked up my louie from the loue guy ....but its gonna cost a fortune...lol

Ill just have a good talk with the clubs manager ...and make sure he can guide me in the right direction...
That means only real deal ogs... origional cuts only ...Eventho the new s1 strains are quite bomb in og terms...
i will trust the guy at the club.... i told him i want only the healthiest , realist , clone only ogs hes got.... cause those be my faves...

Im still leaning towards a larry since its the og cut...
And i did love skywalker based on my own personal experience with it...
Ill make sure and have a couple options in the box next time.... maybe a lou will be in there if i can garuntee its the origional.


Well-Known Member
These are the kind of nugs that don't have any grassiness even when they're alive, so when you cut weed like this, you can play around with early jarring.

I can tell you that from all my experience, feeling the nugs on the still wet stem, I could tell they were ready to jar.

2.08 ounces of the first buds jarred. The sheer weight of the dense oil in the still lightly moist buds tips the scales big time... These have that 'magical moist' consistency you mentioned. So I guess this is how they do it.

But just to be on the safe side, I'll keep the jars open for the next sixteen or so hours, stirring and smelling periodically. Right now, it smells like you've died and awoken in OG heaven. I have never smelled anything like this in a shop.

But what's the one true way to determine if it's really in a condition to jar? That's right. The bong test.

It's incredibly moist when you cut it up, but not because it's too wet, but because it's made of glue. Incredible consistency. Sticky to the max. Smells like sharp, fresh lemon fuel.

Packing is ridiculous. Like packing glue into your bowl.

I'm so racing high right now, I have to sit down. Oh, I am sitting down. I guess it's ready. Less than 24 hours after cutting. A new record for me.

Hey, Cheeze. If you want to make this weed last, you don't have to actually smoke it to get high... just sniffing the jars will do it... damn. I'm gonna jar some more.


Well-Known Member
i hope your right jin ... i never imagined drying one day would work....
I just tell u what i think ...and its ultimatley your choice...
Just hope they dont mold on ya....

Im just sharing my 15 to date cures info for ya ...
I hope you can pull it off...

My trick personally is if it can smoke in a blunt and it doesnt turn off its ready to go ...

ps..... Since im not there ...your judgement is best ...

edit ...im sure theyre burning cause thc is like gasoline on buds.....and u gotta allot of that ..

And tell sleezbag to come to ....ill try to bring him a cut as well...

u never cease to amaze me jin.... glue stick lol.....
No green taste cause the flavor overpowers it...kinda like to much mustard on a sandwich....
Im routing for ya jinmachine.... so thats how they keep it so wet and dank at the same time....
You know its only gonna get better...?


Well-Known Member
i hope your right jin ... i never imaged drying one day would work....
I just tell u what i think ...and its ultimatley your choice...
Just hope they dont mold on ya....

Im just sharing my 15 to date cures info for ya ...
I hope you can pull it off...

My trick personally is if it can smoke in a blunt and not turn off its ready to go ...

ps..... Since im not there ...your judgement is best ...

edit ...im sure they burning cause ethc is like gasoline on buds.....and u gotta allot of that ..

And tell sleezbag to come to ....ill try to bring him a cut as well...
I know it sounds crazy. This is the first time I'm jarring the harvest the next day. But if you were here and saw them yourself, I bet you would agree. And you also have to remember I had them in an enclosed suction environment all night in the dry air.

Oh, the best way you can smoke this glue is in a vape or bong btw. But if you threw some of this in your favorite flave blunt wrap, you have a glue stick... and the blunt wrap will keep it burning. You might have to re-light it a few times, though.

It's all about understanding the bud. The bud tells me what to do. No two grows are the same. My system is crazy.


Well-Known Member
Okay, you were right. Still too wet. I had to examine carefully, tho. I took 'em out of the jars and laid 'em flat on paper towels. They'll be ready by end of day tomorrow. Still record time.

But man, it sure gets you high even when wet. I'm fucking flying. I still have a nice sized nug of Titanium OG and I almost forgot I even had it. Sweet.

edit again:
I can't believe this dry air we've been having. This is a very unexpected and pleasant surprise. I'm gonna get smokin' sooner than expected. And off until the 3rd? It's been nice knowing you...


Well-Known Member
Here's a shot of some lower nugs I have drying in open jars on the side. They have an interesting 'roasty' tint. Smells incredible. I want to eat that smell. Crystals beat Diablo easily and rival Ghost.

Y'know what I like about this weed already? After I smoke a bowl, I don't feel like smoking more fifteen minutes later. Lol.

I'll try not to smoke those cat hairs, but even if I do, it won't kill me. I've probably smoked plenty already.

My beloved, also low-yielding, small nug Ghost. But to Tahoe's credit, I'm comparing lower grade nugs to primo Ghost nugs.



Well-Known Member
The smell isn't all over the place like they were when they were alive. It's just settled into this intense pocket of odor that hangs in the cab's immediate vicinity. I lit a candle.

dirk d

Active Member
I always pull my colas from the dryer too soon. over the summer i let it go 3 days and dried the shit out of one of my harvests. then i started pulling at 2 days. Now 2 days is not enough, have to pull them in 3 days. funny how every season has its own quirks.

That Ghost nug looks pretty Dank! That strain has been popping up on my radar lately.


Well-Known Member
I always pull my colas from the dryer too soon. over the summer i let it go 3 days and dried the shit out of one of my harvests. then i started pulling at 2 days. Now 2 days is not enough, have to pull them in 3 days. funny how every season has its own quirks.

That Ghost nug looks pretty Dank! That strain has been popping up on my radar lately.
Oh, okay. So you've seen 2 day dry times? Whew, I thought I was crazy for a moment. When I cut the plants down, I saw they were really ripe. Meaning they kind of looked dead already. Really ripe plants always look like that. I think some pre-drying occurs at that stage.


Well-Known Member
Here's a shot of some lower nugs I have drying in open jars on the side. They have an interesting 'roasty' tint. Smells incredible. I want to eat that smell. Crystals beat Diablo easily and rival Ghost.

Y'know what I like about this weed already? After I smoke a bowl, I don't feel like smoking more fifteen minutes later. Lol.

I'll try not to smoke those cat hairs, but even if I do, it won't kill me. I've probably smoked plenty already.

My beloved, also low-yielding, small nug Ghost. But to Tahoe's credit, I'm comparing lower grade nugs to primo Ghost nugs.

Amazing Jin & Juicer! I just want to bite into that sticky, gooey, danky bud! My mouth started to water thinking about how your buds must smell...When I grow up I wanna grow just like you! =) Check out your other journal I posted in there.


Well-Known Member
One more thing, how the hell do you have sooo much cat hair in your buds? When you harvest do you and your cat roll around in the buds like the scene from "indecent proposal" with demi moore? wtf?


Well-Known Member
Amazing Jin & Juicer! I just want to bite into that sticky, gooey, danky bud! My mouth started to water thinking about how your buds must smell...When I grow up I wanna grow just like you! =) Check out your other journal I posted in there.

You mean this? I'm jealous of this, you know. LED vs. HID. LED clearly doesn't suck.


Well-Known Member
One more thing, how the hell do you have sooo much cat hair in your buds? When you harvest do you and your cat roll around in the buds like the scene from "indecent proposal" with demi moore? wtf?
Lol. There are TWO cats running around constantly wrestling in the living room. My box acts as a suction unit with the exhaust fan running. The hairs get sucked into the tiny crevices... they're everywhere. Indoor pet owners know what I'm talkin' about. I'm just glad I don't have long hairs or my buds would be fucked completely.