Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
you know though, i cut all popcorn out but man had some brownies with the popcorn and those brownies are great!! was laughing my ass off for like 5 hours lol! just got to find the right use for that popcorn! lol
Dirk, I can second that. I made some canna butter from my popcorn & sticky leaves and baked it into a couple dozen cookies. Just 3 of them got me stoned as shit one time. Tasted awful, but the buzz was outstanding!

dirk d

Active Member
Dirk, I can second that. I made some canna butter from my popcorn & sticky leaves and baked it into a couple dozen cookies. Just 3 of them got me stoned as shit one time. Tasted awful, but the buzz was outstanding!
lol, see the trick is to get someone "else" to make the brownies for you. Preferably a big time "baker" like i had lol. my brownies were great. tasted great. smelled great. and me and 2 other buddies were laughing for hours.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, popcorn is NOT bad. Especially when you smoke up all your primo nug and that's all you got. In those cases, popcorn is the best weed in the world.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait til harvest
Ha! Thought I wouldn't see your tiny little comment hiding there, huh?

Well for once in I can't remember how long, I skipped the wake and bake this morning. Wow my evening high is hitting me hard right now. What a difference skipping the wake and bake makes... Plus, I was still high all day today from the night before.


Well-Known Member
Why do I say that with such certainty? Look.

I'm so ready to smoke these now. Remember, really great weed isn't green, it's white.

Comin' down this Saturday it looks like. Still drinking at 620ppm with Calmag to the very end. No flush, no starve. And it's not a trick of the hps light. The leaves are yellowing nicely indicating nice N translocation. These are gonna be grassy, if grassy is fuel-soaked mud.

Anyone got a light?


Well-Known Member
Haha yea my last girl to flowerseemed like notime atall.
Just now I realized she's got 10 days togo.

Man I'm hating this new textbox.. If they don'tfix it I'mjust going to leave the site.


Well-Known Member
Patience, everyone. I promise you'll be glad you waited. In addition to photos, think HD movie clips shot through a full frame SLR. Yeah...

I see it now. A personal video greeting from Chrissy thanking all my loyal RIU journal readers. How's that?
If she's calmly posing nude while greeting us, that would be very, VERY cool.


Well-Known Member
Haha yea my last girl to flowerseemed like notime atall.
Just now I realized she's got 10 days togo.

Man I'm hating this new textbox.. If they don'tfix it I'mjust going to leave the site.
Yeah, bro. These finished so fast, I was really expecting a harvest closer to New Year than Christmas. Wow.

Uh-huh. That advanced edit text box is all buggy right now. That super long re-cap photo post I put up recently got fucked up and I had to manually re-format every photo. I had to take a bowl break it was so bad.

If she's calmly posing nude while greeting us, that would be very, VERY cool.
Why you old dog. I like the way you think. But trust me, I'm way ahead of you. You'll all be very pleased. Just don't get anything on your screen or keyboard. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Gahd you guys sound likesuch slimeballs sometimes hahaha.
But it's whatever, we all feelthe same way.:leaf:

My girl accidently got 24 straight hoursof light, @ day 46,
and when I noticed the issue, I also paused tonotice how fat she got since just twodays ago.
Makes mewonder if thelight issue helped her


Well-Known Member
Gahd you guys sound likesuch slimeballs sometimes hahaha.
But it's whatever, we all feelthe same way.:leaf:

My girl accidently got 24 straight hoursof light, @ day 46,
and when I noticed the issue, I also paused tonotice how fat she got since just twodays ago.
Makes mewonder if thelight issue helped her
We're the slime of the earth, baby. The grist that makes the world go round.

Last week until harvest! Woop!


Well-Known Member
Time Bomb rocks!!!!

Here's a crazy idea to throw into your world Jin.....why don't you harvest half on 50, and let another half go another week. Then you got a Daytime tahoe, and a night time "tahoe clown!" I reckon by looking at her if you let it go those calyxes might actually swell so much they'll pop. I know that's what the dog looks like when she is let loose to run around for a bit longer.....go on, give it a bash.....no not that thing, put that away, I meant your weed silly!!!


Well-Known Member
Check it out. He's even got a stinky shoe right next to the drying bud. Gross! Lol.

I've gotten into fights with UK growers on here who think their Haze is the bombest thing and that I don't know shit.

we gott it easy...lol we got good jeans they are still stackin right aolng you and chrissy will have some good dank to burn.. im in soil with organics, call me crazy i think AN is ALL talk.. but yur results arent lying.. i only choose no to support because they didnt back their warranty for a 6 month old ballast i bought so they lost a customer for life.. the shop replaced it and turned me on to a new line of nutes and they rock gh veganics.. but i wouldnt reccomend it for hydro.. it slimes up really fast.. hahaha im doing a side by side this run keep an eye out.. maybe ill get a camera for christmas.. ya i have an old cannon around the garage some where do they even sell regular film anywhere??


Well-Known Member
why do i say that with such certainty? Look.

i'm so ready to smoke these now. Remember, really great weed isn't green, it's white.

Anyone got a light?

you seek fire my child AND good eye i wouldnt have seen that...


Active Member
Why do I say that with such certainty? Look.

I'm so ready to smoke these now. Remember, really great weed isn't green, it's white.

Comin' down this Saturday it looks like. Still drinking at 620ppm with Calmag to the very end. No flush, no starve. And it's not a trick of the hps light. The leaves are yellowing nicely indicating nice N translocation. These are gonna be grassy, if grassy is fuel-soaked mud.

Anyone got a light?

DAMN 50 day harvest?!

and why don't you do a flush?

was wondering which AN nutes you used for veg and flower.
and was also curious what kind of ballast you're using.


Active Member
Jin your plants look delicious brother, I can't wait to see the final results. Very very frosty sir.

Website update: Haven't worked on it too much as of recently, currently in finals week at school and will resume as I have time, are we waiting on final design for launch? May be a good idea to figure out a launch date, and start putting together some content(Some articles people haven't read, for launch day).


Well-Known Member
mmm jin they look sooo goood, and they love your system... we are gonna be choppin close to the same time too bad we cant match some bowls...

how many megapixels is you camera? i have a cheap asss like five yr old camera.. that suuuucks!!! only 3 megapixels hahahah

woah.. maybe ill let one go that long just to see have any pics of them that far out?? i bet the colors start changin good =)

i smoke that shit too dirk hahaha waste not want not..
Yes I have pix, getting my main computer back up & running soon so I can upload again. It's been kinda chilly here the last couple weeks so the plants have alot of purple on the buds & fans. They are purrty. ill try to use my phone to upload a pic or two today. Tahoe og tends to have huge catlyists(spelling) when they fully swell, not a good Joint bud unless using a grinder. The nugs on my plant are chunky, uneven & some kinda have the appearance of foxtailing due to the major swelling.

Like the guy above said, you would not regret cutting half and waiting another week before the other. That will also give you a 1st go round with Curing it & seeing exactly how it dries & when to jar before the 2nd batch comes.

Beautiful Nuggletts you have there. :)