Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
and ain't it funny when we're growing up and our teachers and our parents and our elders are all fulla sh*t and we OF COURSE know better (believe me....that was me....ahahahahaha).....sortalike a turning of the tides as one gets older...and begins to recognizre the "true" value of first hand experience. I have spent 27 years in my professional field, and although certainly have had my share of hands on experience, there is never a moment to stop learning....just think of it as.....you stop learning.....and when you start off at the bottom again (this hobby for me) it is it's own reward to be learning all over again!.....thanks for all the kind and supportive comments.....cheers.....and Walk On!


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha Bongspit....when I had visions of receiving an honourary PhD I had no idea it would be in horticulture! hahahahahaha....another piled high and deeper acolade?.....I feel totally blessed! thank you so much.....but I would and will continue to look to all those with the real experience here and seek their guidance.....and those with fresh ideas and initiative to ride herd on the boundaries of established practice.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
You never know mate,the 14/10 thing may have slightly stretched them but it may also have some benefits.
Until weed is legalized and the real scientists do all these tests we will never know for sure about such intricate things:blsmoke:
Real scientists won't smoke the end result and if they did, they probably don't smoke enough weed to make a valid "stoner" determination.

However, I do agree with Tahoe, in that, once a plant is in a 'mode' either flowering or veg...it takes some strong mojo to change it. It appears the plants are flowering, if so, then the additional hours of lumens (food) can not hurt the plant.

With maximum respect to everyone here..... who was "The Decider" (and you can't say George Bush) that determined 12/12 was 'The Number'. I don't know of anyone who is doing what Tahoe is doing or attempting to do. For my 2 cents, I say - Give it a good go Tahoe

*Of course, this is my opinion and I could be wrong. :)


Well-Known Member
hey man.....thanks for the change....your two cents is always fair coinage! I paper/book by Clark (Cannabis Botany) goes into some detail about the 11-13 and 12-12 - he discusses Latitude and Photoperiod in chapter 4 - but I expect that this was sumthin figured out earlier than that - as has been discussed in the Phytochrome thread....the dark period has a direct link to the biochemical exchanges and the limitations are related to the accumulation of dark related metabolites.

YGF.....i will do more proper testing/experimenting once I have a supply of some bud to make sure my idiot brain still keeps ticking....and doesn't get caught in a groove and repeat itself over and over again ad nauseum.


Well-Known Member
well.....a lights out approaches.....I am greeeted with the following....they are continuing to grow well, and the BigBud is living up to its name in surpassing the Top44 in bud development....even though it is smaller and less mature....well I suppose more mature....depending on what I mean by mature......can idiot and mature be used in the same sentence? sorry, I digress.....again. Anyhoo.....these are the girls, in all their splendor, frosting is coming, and single individual hairs are going orange. I am as has been said....in a very happy place. :blsmoke::peace::blsmoke:

1. one of the 10+ main colas of the Top44

2. side budding along tied Top44 branching

3. the BigBug popping rocks all over the place



Well-Known Member
hahahaha..yes they have...and the light penetration has made quite a difference in the ancillary buds deeper in the canopy....its sort cool to ewatch them all blossoming....I am going to be very curious about the final final for this Top44 plant! WHAT FUN!! :blsmoke:
I see the scissors have been put to work:blsmoke:
EDIT ***** my earphones are coming by FedEx tomorrow.....yiipppeeee!!


Well-Known Member
Great electrolyte balance on the bigbud as well,the leaves are really reaching for it which is very good:blsmoke:
Let me know how they are(earbuds)


Well-Known Member
yuppers....will do...thanks for the positive feedback....those are the sorts of things that I have no baseline to measure from and gain the greatest insight from. :blsmoke:
Great electrolyte balance on the bigbud as well,the leaves are really reaching for it which is very good:blsmoke:
Let me know how they are(earbuds)


Well-Known Member
thanks LDB....I remain rather impatient....but in time I believe this will show me that it is a decent grow and decent results.....I look forward to watching the changes in the next weeks.......!!


New Member
it may be because I'm stoned....but those plants are scary...this one is tahoe feeding his top 44...this one is tahoe explaining what the robin egg blue ribbon is for...:mrgreen:
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