Take 4 help a stoner out


Active Member
ok this is how my growing has been going
Take 1
Planted plants upside down
Take 2
Went ok but had to kill plant due to moving
Take 3
grew 3 plants in one big pot transfered to new seperate pots and new soil
look like theyre dieing now shit
Take 4
just put my seeds into germination today
now i need ur advice
im going to be growing outdoors i have no choice
just wanted your advice on

1.What size pot I should start my new babies in
2.What kind of soil
3.What kind of nutrients if any
4. Anything else i should know

I plan on planting these babies when the roots get to be about an inch long or 3/4 of an inch

depending on how many seeds germinate
im going to put half of them into a experimental program
a friend of mine put a little amount of hawaiin punch in the water he gave to his half plants since they were little seedlings(to get used to it) to the point of flowering
the half they he gave the punch to produced hella lot danker shit bongsmilie then the normal water plants
he called it crunchberry
im gonna try the same

but yeah any other info would be cool


Well-Known Member
The bigger pots you can get the better, 5 gallon buckets work really well with drainage holes at 1 per bucket.

All the koolaide, did was add sugar, plain water with molasses would work better, in fact your friend ran the risk of killing the plants not using the correct simple sugars.

DO NOT ADD KOOLAIDE To your plants...