Taking cuts of a sick/recovered plant? +rep for any help


Well-Known Member
My Bubblegummer is 7 week's into veg, 14 inches tall, was topped at the 3rd week and has many nodes i trained which are big enough to used for cuttings to clone.

She was a real lush green beauty, she showed sativa traits and stank in her 4th week of veg showing sex in the 5th. i had high hopes for her........

But thanks to a friend not watering/feeding while i was away i came back to her very dry(pot very light) and allot of the fan leaves turned yellow, had i got there any later she would definitely have died!:wall:

But after a good drink she has recovered, the yellownes has not spread to any leaves on the nodes, so my question is, Can i take cuttings and clone her considering she was so healthy before?

Or would the cuttings be affected, i know i wont yeild much off this one plant now seeing the fan leaves are almost all gone. So im hoping to use clones from her and start fresh!


Well-Known Member
You can bring that baby back to prime health, clone her, bud her.... just depends on how much love & care you can give her. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Can she really recover that well? I was thinking if i clone her they clones might herm or be stressed because of it's mother getting stressed with no food or water turning yellow anall that.....