Taking cuttings


Well-Known Member
you can take a clone as soon as the branch looks a decent size .. a take cuttings when the branches are about 8 inches"20cms" but u can take them at 6inches"15cm".. the lower branches are always the best for cuttings


Well-Known Member
Cannabis usually reaches maturity at about 2 months old, so that's when I take cuttings. But my buddy took some at 1 month and they took a while to root but they rooted.


Well-Known Member
Once a plant has a decent size brance to take the cutting from then go for it.Take it just below a set of node's this is where the new roots will come from idealy.....................................tyke.......................................................................
ok let me tell yall my wut im thinkin...i hav about ten non fem seeds, and i want a couple mother plants, but i cant tell which are female till they flower, so i want to take a couple cuttins from each then put the original plants 2 flower...that way i can see which are female and keep the cuttins from the females of the bunch to use as my mother plants...so basically i dont plan on keepin the originals that were grown from seed


Well-Known Member
The plants will show sex during veg when they mature before 12/12. You can also take clones from your plant 1 -2 weeks into flowering so you know the sex before cloning.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
ok let me tell yall my wut im thinkin...i hav about ten non fem seeds, and i want a couple mother plants, but i cant tell which are female till they flower, so i want to take a couple cuttins from each then put the original plants 2 flower...that way i can see which are female and keep the cuttins from the females of the bunch to use as my mother plants...so basically i dont plan on keepin the originals that were grown from seed
Good plan but take the cutting and put them under 12/12. they will show sex and allow you to keep your older girls vegging. The clones won't root but will show sex. Just keep them well labeled so you know what is what.

You can take clones as soon as you see a suitable lower branch. I always take them after the plants have alternating nodes. Some strains don't show preflowers at all in veg. The chocolope pheno I am working with currently is like that. Once the nodes alternate, they are sexually mature.

Good luck in your cloning.



Active Member
After my last batch of cuttings I laugh at everything that has ever been suggested, and everything I tried and failed with. Screw humidity domes, heat pads, and mediums. lol.

The easiest way to take cuttings is to make a stinkbud cloner IMO. Or some kind of aero/nft setup. You cut 2 nodes down, forget about the angle it doesnt matter 1 bit at all, then put it in the stinkbud cloner. Extremely low humidity? No problem. Just watch as your cuttings dont wilt at all.

I was surprised the first time I did this and realized with less than 15% humidity I had a 100% success rate and they did not even come close to droopy. The roots grow out of the stem anywhere, even though I cut at at 45 degree angle, none of the roots grow out of that cut. They grow out of the stem anywhere. After reading lots of traditional advice and failing at clones in my last dirt grow, I was very surprised and pleased to use this method.

If you want to put the clones in some medium after they pop roots, its not hard at all.

Also what I love about this setup is you can at-a-glance see whether a root nub has popped out or not. Ill never use any other method again.

wuz d scene every1...can yall tell me the absolute earliest i can take cuttings from a plant?



Well-Known Member
Actually dude you can top it once it has 5-6 leaf sets. Top it down to 3 or 4 leaf sets and use what you cut as your first clone. So thats like what 2 weeks if all conditions are right.
So...this has always confused me....can I make topping and cloning one process? Can I take my cuttings from the top of the main stem and will that result in its branching or am I better off taking my cutting from low on the plant and separately topping the mainstem? Whatcha think?