Taking PH before or after mixing in beneficial?


Well-Known Member
Hey All,

I was reading somewhere on a Canna bottle or website, or hell maybe a misinformed thread, that you should FIRST add Canna COCO A/B to water, then take PH and adjust it to 5.8~, THEN add everything else.

Any truth to this? I usually measure and adjust PH after EVERYTHING is mixed up.

My nutrient line as as follows:
Canna COCO A/B
H&G Roots Excelerator
H&G Drip Clean
Great White Mycorrhizal Beneficial Bacteria

And in flower, i substitute the TE and GW with bloombastic.

Any help or advice would be appreciated!


I've been using the Canna Coco A/B for a good while, excellent stuff. I check the pH of my water first, it runs 6.8 on average. I then adjust the water pH to 6.2, stir vigoriously, then slowly add everything else. If you keep the water moving, and add slowly, it prevents nutrients from binding with other elements, and dropping out of solution. If you dump stuff in too quickly, you'll see little clouds or off colored swirls in the water. That's nutrients binding with each other, instead of spreading out / mixing into the water properly. After adding the A/B, I end up with a pH of 5.8 or 5.9 If you experiment, you can find out how to tune your water, to achieve ths same, and it saves on pH down & pH up.


Well-Known Member
I dont do hydro but I always add my tigerbloom, bigbloom, and bloombastic then check ph. How do you like the bloombastic? the hydro guy told me it was like the fox farm soluble pack all in one but I havent noticed a major difference, how bout you?