Tangiematic from FastBuds


Hello Rollitup Fam!!!

So, I'm growing a tangiematic. This is my 1st time ever using Coco and so far do good. I started the germination process on 8/2. I didn't know when I began germinating that my family and I were going away for 11 days. I had a friend of mine stay at my house and kill 2 birds with one stone. Care for my doggies and my plants. (Hate it when people know. Can't always say they are tomato plants :?). Anyways, I came back and they seemed ok. Maybe a little ph and nutrient issues...but other then that, they were living. Anyways, I've read that Tangies don't like to be trained (LST). And hey, the ladies have feelings. How do you think they feel about haircuts? Especially on the lower leaves to allow light penetration...all advice welcome :peace::P

