Tank Abott -vs- Kimbo Slice.....Tonight!!!


Well-Known Member
on Showtime, Elite XC....it starts in 2 minutes but i'm sure it's the main event.......

it's going to be a blood bath.........

ha just figured i'd let ya guys know cause i had no clue they were fighting untill earlier today......

for those of you who don't know Kimbo Slice is that crazy black dude who has a bunch of street fights on you tube.....

and Tank Abott....is the crazy white dude who fights in the UFC but his only style is pure ass whoopin......

really i can't even pick sides i love them both...... but really i'd like to see Tank win...... but Kimbo can box....he won't knock tank out but he'll split him up.......where as tank will just knock his ass out....even though Kimbo has let dudes take free shot's at his face in backyard fights and acted like it was the wind blowing against his face.....

oh man i don't know who's going to win.......

if you did not know about this fight like i didn't...and you got showtime.....your welcome......


Well-Known Member
kimbo fucked tank up....it woulda been less then ten seconds but the ref called a time out cause kimbo was punching tank in the back of the head......

but yeah tank kinda tried to stand with kimbo...and got japped up.... and then kimbo caught him with a really hard right just on the cheak bone......it knocked tank out fell right on his face.....

even with the time out the whole thing was under a minute......

kimbo's the real deal.....i always thought so..... i'm just a big tank fan.... but yeah believe Kimbo will just keep getting better....like he has been now that he actually trains searously......

Kimbo's a killer thats for sure.......


Well-Known Member
even though tank was trying to trade with him...which was stupid cause kimbo was extremely quick...backing up...dodgeing.....and moving in quick.... tank did try to grab him up a few times to maybe get him on the ground....which Kimbo is def not great at...... but everytime tank went for it kimbo used lightning fast reflex's and would jump back...and connect a combo of hard jabs to tanks face......

Kimbo defiently is a great fighter....really i won't doubt if he goes undefeated in MMA for a long time....even though i still want to see him fight a really good fighter....tanks old....... i'd like to see him and Rampage Jackson fight...although i don't think there going to throw a champion at Kimbo just yet.... but i think he'd beat the dog shit outta Jackson for sure....and i hate Jackson i'd love to see it....but i bet the good guys start dodgeing Kimbo.... he really has a style unlike anyone i have ever seen in MMA....


Well-Known Member
you gotta give tank his due he has been in the game for ever. kimbo is just now getting his combo's good and technicul and is coming to gether. kimbo will get whooped if he gets put on the ground, i have never seen his takedown defense or a shot for that matter so i cant judge it. i would love to see a kimbo x jackson fight or someone with more of the arts part of martial arts, someone with alot more then just a stand up game.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody really believe that the outcome of any of these fights is not determined in advance,kimbo's popularity is soaring right now,it wouldnt of mattered if he'd of fought somebody like Dan Severen who has the ability to take him down in seconds & control his big ass .

Its all about popularity.


Well-Known Member
i'd wack his neck ! He would colapse ^^ then i would take him into the Guillitine ..... ^^

dont know if i spelt that correct :D


Well-Known Member
Does anybody really believe that the outcome of any of these fights is not determined in advance,kimbo's popularity is soaring right now,it wouldnt of mattered if he'd of fought somebody like Dan Severen who has the ability to take him down in seconds & control his big ass .

Its all about popularity.
sorry bud but you don't know what your talkin about on this one....if your trying to say the fight was fixed........ no way no how.....

and there only going crazy over Kimbo in that stadium because the fight was in his home town...Miami...

really people in MMA talk alot of shit about Kimbo saying all his fights on You tube are against a bunch of chumps....which there right......

look what happend in his first fight against a real MMA fighter.....

he had no idea what to do when he was getting choked out in the guilotine.

but i do believe he just has it.....alot of these fighters don't have the tenaciousness and anger and the ability to take a hard shot like Kimbo does........

and on the contrary there is just as many mma fans who would of loved seeing a comeback by Tank by kicking Kimbo's ass......