Active Member
I don't even know why I start to read these political threads... Every time their are a handfull of people making insightfull arguments, while the rest (on both sides) stereotype and make ridiculous statements that are fictitious and malitious. As for the original post, the tea party has a group of well meaning liberatarians in it that have no problem with drugs. Unfortuantly the movement has been taken over by rebulicans trying to put a new face on their same old values and ideas. These assholes are the folks that made Marijuana illegal and have worked religously to keep it illegal. For the liberals out there the Dems are in power what are they doing to repeal marijuana prohibition? That's right nothing... Both parties have sold out to more powerfull special interests and now that the republicans have taken over the teaparty's message, we can expect more of the same regarding marijuana laws and overall government for the forseeable future.