Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
so you think it is your right to deny service to blacks because they are black?
civil rights killed black business and that's a fact. you no how many black owned water fountain repair companies were forced out of business? at least 1500.what about all the black lunch counters? where did they all go? stop spreading your institutional racism buck


Well-Known Member
you can do business with me, fuck my sister, if she likes you, drink from my canteen, if you are thirsty. and I think you're a dick. I'm not some rarity. there are a lot of us:)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so you think it is your right to deny service to blacks because they are black?

Who has the right to make others serve them ? Do you? Do I ?

I say nobody, not a white person, not a black person, not a dipshit that self identifies as a cross gendered gerbil.

You fail to see that making somebody serve you is the initial act of aggression.

A black person has the right to disassociate from a black person or a white person or any person they do not want to associate with.

All people have the right to be left alone.

Even Tom Woods, has the right to be left alone. Remember him? Strike three girlfriend.

Thomas Sowell called, he self identifies as a college professor, he said affirmative action was a waste and counter productive.

Strike four girlfriend. Time to go wash the jockstraps.


Well-Known Member
Even Tom Woods, has the right to be left alone. Remember him? Strike three girlfriend.
if thomas woods, founding member of the neo-confederate white supremacy group "league of the south", wants to be left alone, he should not open up a store that is open to the public, as there are black members of the public.

if thomas woods wants to be "left alone" (your latest euphemism for white separatism), then he should open a private club or better yet, keep his white supremacist ass at home.

by the way, where does thomas woods say that denial of service to blacks caused no harm?

here you are declaring victory in this debate, when we have not even discussed all the premises yet.

racist fucktard.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if thomas woods, founding member of the neo-confederate white supremacy group "league of the south", wants to be left alone, he should not open up a store that is open to the public, as there are black members of the public.

if thomas woods wants to be "left alone" (your latest euphemism for white separatism), then he should open a private club or better yet, keep his white supremacist ass at home.

by the way, where does thomas woods say that denial of service to blacks caused no harm?

here you are declaring victory in this debate, when we have not even discussed all the premises yet.

racist fucktard.

You never answered who you think has the right to make others use their bodies and property in ways they don't want to...

Do you?

Also a service can only BE a service when all the parties mutually consent to the engagement. Otherwise it is an edict Mr. Prohibitionist no respect for other peoples property floor shitter guy.


Well-Known Member
irony just doesn't get much sweeter than this.

when blacks are denied service at a gas station, restaurant, hotel, or elsewhere, that's just freedom in motion.

when tom woods is denied service at a website host, that a malicious attack on his freedom and the liberty movement.

oh sweet holy fuck, this deserves its own thread.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
irony just doesn't get much sweeter than this.

when blacks are denied service at a gas station, restaurant, hotel, or elsewhere, that's just freedom in motion.

when tom woods is denied service at a website host, that a malicious attack on his freedom and the liberty movement.

oh sweet holy fuck, this deserves its own thread.

What do you call it when someone is forced to serve somebody else ? Also change your diaper, it looks like you've pissed yourself.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
since no one is ever forced to open up a gas station, restaurant, hotel, or similar establishment, i'd call it a bad analogy by a dumb fuck racist.
What would you call a guy that shits on other peoples floors? Stinky? Poopy Pants? Shit head?

Let's ask Thomas Sowell what he thinks about property rights...want to do that?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if I don't pull you out of a burning car, that's immoral, but I have not initiated force.
Don't say that to him, you'll make him cry. He has "self identified" that indifference and actionable harms are the same thing. Nobody likes to see a man crying with a gerbil hanging out of his ass. Be kind to him.