Techniques to get more females!!!!!!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
well it's obvious, stress, lighting, nutrients/minerals, hormones can effect the sex of a plant.. but for most people, the 50/50 ratio is good enough for them (if not, they get clones or feminized seeds).


New Member
environment can determine the gender of a marijuana plant.

I use

16 hours of blue spectrum light for veg
higher nitrogen while in veg
higher humidity during veg

since I have started this last fall, I've gotten mostly females.


New Member
come on guys..this is getting many times do i have to say can femizses any seed you want using banan peels..i feel lik im the banana method advocate here to inform ppl aBOUT THIS METHOD.,.ill admit its a rather controversial one..cus all the seed banks and breeders want people paying top mnoey for feminzed seeds..they dont want ya 2 learn how 2 do it a fraction of the price..


Well-Known Member
There are a few techniques to help the odds of getting female plants. #1 tech- keep temperatures in you grow room below 72F and you will most likely have females. #2 tech- Your lighting must be kept above 4500k to increase your chances of getting a female(Females like bluish light more and the energy helps them produce certain femanine chemicles). #3 Some nutrients(i cant remember off hand... more nitrogen I do believe=20N-5P-10K during veg)) help increase your chances of getting females.


Well-Known Member
come on guys..this is getting many times do i have to say can femizses any seed you want using banan peels..i feel lik im the banana method advocate here to inform ppl aBOUT THIS METHOD.,.ill admit its a rather controversial one..cus all the seed banks and breeders want people paying top mnoey for feminzed seeds..they dont want ya 2 learn how 2 do it a fraction of the price..
Your thinking of the macro nutrient potassium man, its help but not as well as Nitrogen will help. If anything, you want fish water to feed the young seedlings with; or even snow water is rich in Nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I heard of putting the seeds in a sealed plastic bag with a banana or apple skin :/ weird thing, never tried... but it's supposed to change sumtin in the seed due to the rotten fruits wich gives hormone or similar stuff in the air wich the seeds are in contact w/... the seeds must not touch the fruits... I will never try this and stick the the real technic, Plant more seeds!


Well-Known Member
Yeah you have to make a compost with the fruit skins in it already along with the rest of the stuff that you would want to use for your compost and let it deteriate for a long time and plant your plants into it.

Sensi Super Star

New Member
there are a few things to do during vegetative that can help increase female ratio. Such as increasing nitrogen, raising humidity and moisture of soil bed, lowering temperatures to like 60-70, less hours of light aroun 14-16. Some say leaving banana peels around it will help(which they do) because they release ethylene when they are decaying. I dont suggest using the banana peels because it may not work out the way u want, but if you're desperate this increases the percentage of female by a lot.


New Member
well here we go guys.....

the proccess involves sealing a few banan peels with seeds in a airtight conatiner..make sure the peels arent touching the peels.....and make sure its a aiortight container like a mason jar you use to cure in.......anyways

most fruits and veggies give off a natural chemical called ETHYLENE as they decompose...bananasa,apples,ornage,etc..they all give it,thats why a single ripening fruit can cause fruits near it to start maturing more rappidly...ever heard the saying,"one rotten apple srewed the bunch??"

im quite tired of being the advocate,so il just poost some nice links aiit niggaz....enjoy

the last 1 was a link to the "green bags" sold on tv..the use the principle of exhcaning the ethylene that bulds up around fruits and veggies..thus slowing their decompostiion..almost halting it altogther...the checial ethylene is a widely used one..and the only reason its not being publishes in hight times,etc is cus all the major seedbanks are stopping it....theyr using the ties to the cannabis communites to prevent the growers this knowelege.....they want u 2 buy their feminzed are doing all they can to suppress this new method...

its long time been a pestilcnce in ansterdam,etc..where its been "debunked" by several major ya didnt know that huh??

ps:ive tried it countless times,i havent had a male in 2 years lol....cheers


Well-Known Member
Its in the seed
you cant change it.....duh try cloneing
Here is a perfect example of someone that obviousely hasn't researched the subject at all, yet has an opinion to share. The sad part is, they don't have the sense to avoid imbarresment by keeping their piehole shut and keeping this misinformation to themselves!

Like I said:
Some of you may have other opinions (and you are welcome to them). But opinions without proper research is just a "popularity contest". I don't know about you, but I've known some really popular people that were "dumb as a bag of hammers"!

I would be delighted to hear Fishguts' explaination of why "It's in the seed",and, "you can't change it". After all, the research that I have done could be all wrong! I'm always willing to change my mind in the face of better evidence. But "one-liner" opinions out of the peanut gallery don't really impress me much.

All that being said - there is one point that nobody has brought up yet! Namely, "Should you influence the sex ratio?" Is it really a good idea? My personal opinion is no, that's why I don't do it myself (Hell, I don't even mess around with Feminised seeds). My reasoning (and it's just my $.02 worth) is that influencing the sexual outcome of a "marginal" pre-disposed seed is "Fooling Mother Nature" (and you all know how much trouble that can cause!). My research indicates that some seeds are very pre-disposed to be a particular sex (maybe like 80% or even higher) while others are more easily influenced. Imagine convincing a gay guy to go "straight", or tricking an alcoholic into sobriety - IT JUST ISN'T IN THEIR NATURE! If you want a "straight" guy, it just makes more sense to start off with a hetero. And if you want a T-totaler, a confused ex-lush is probably a bad choice. The point is, a good, solid, pre-disposed "Female" seed is already "inclined" to be female so there is less chance of complications (Hermies) farther down the line. Remember - "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!"



New Member
lol..dammit....why cant you understand the fact that the banan method works..theres no IFS..OR MAYBES...OR its a fact....ive used it countless times,for 2 years,and havent had a male since my first grow..and that was shwag i use the bana method for 2 weeks..and i get 100% female without skipping a works..i belive in the future it would be the "norm" to get female seeds...idk about you,but i dnt have the luxury of paying 80% for 10 little rather spend 21$ and buy hashberry and m,ake them female myself...