Temperature control


Active Member
Need suggestions for temperature control in a tight (roughly small closet size) space. It'd need to heat the space anywhere from 10-45 degrees and it would have to be automatic.


Active Member
riight, but it'd have to be portable and have a thermostat. cause this grow is stealth, as you guys say it. thought someone might have suggestions on how to use a space heater in a small space where you can't be there 24/7 to adjust it as the temperature changes throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
what is your current grow room temp?
do you have your lights running when u take the temp?
the lights should produce SOME heat but if your using CFLs it wont produce much

if you have to you could simply get a space heater and wire it to a thermostat..


Well-Known Member
I use a heatingpad.My area is 3x3x8.At night when my lites are off my heating pad (which is on a timer)goes on.It keeps my temp at nite @70degrees.W/O it my temp is @ 63-64 degrees.A heater like the one shown above doesnt work well in a small place.I've tried it.It got too too hot,unless, if you have a ventilation system.If you do,get a heater if not you may want to try some type of heating pad


Well-Known Member
now u have 2 very viable solutions.. all it takes is a little bit of reference and a little bit of creativeness and you should be able to fix the problem... fixing a room thats too cold is alot easier than fixing a room thats too hot