Temperature - in lap "sun" or "shade"?


Active Member
When I read the temperature, should I consider the temperature that the atmosphere of the grow environment is or the heat generated from the lamp itself on the leaf?

I currently have my thermometer in the light, on the ground, directly below a 175W CFL for my vegetation box. It is about 12" from the light and it is currently reading 30-34 celcius (86-95 farenheit).

I haven't actually measured the temperature in the shade, but it is significantly less. I'm using a house-fan rigged up to a home made duct (a plastic bag taped on both ends) to a hole in the bottom of the box.

Any thoughts?

(Sorry the title was suppost to be Lamp, not "Lap".. hah)


Well-Known Member
try to measure the temp as close to the top of the plants as possible. 70-80F for veg is fine, a little cooler for flowering not going below 60F during darkness