temperture questions


Well-Known Member
wanting input on indoor grow room temps.my room used to avg 72 degrees/70rh with lights out & 82 degrees/45rh with lights on.i believe the humidity messed up my previous grow(stringy buds).i just added a dehumidifier to the room that keeps my rh at approx 40-45 at all times.the dehumidifier has added approx 10 more degrees to the room(low 80's with lights off,90-93 with lights on).is 90-93 too high of a temp?the room is ventilated,has plenty of fans,i just dont want any more stringy buds.last night was the 1st night of 90 degree heat.they are a beautiful crop of white widow been flowering 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
do you have ventilation? is it a closet or a room or what? i'm dealing with this same problem right now. but your best bet is to exause the hot air out of the top of the room with a exaust fan


Well-Known Member
hey there,it is a room(12x12),well ventilated.im really just wanting to know temp ranges on indoor rooms and if 90-93 degrees is too hot and promote less dense buds?


Active Member
:confused:Can N E 1 Tell Me What Temp Should My Tent B At When The Doors R Closed On My Thur Stat When I Open Of A Mornin It Reads 89cel And That With 2 Small Fans Goin As Well All Night.would Like As Much Help As I Can Get Thanks As Yet I Dont Know Whats What Yet:joint:


Well-Known Member
yes,i have full intake,exhaust fans.4 oscallating fans in room.remote sensors for temp,and humidity,a dehumidifier that keeps the rh between 40-45 @ all times.


Well-Known Member
hey flyhi,you should have no more then 10-15 degrees in room temp between lights on/lights off.as far as max temps and optimal temps for an indoor tent im looking for that info myself.anyone know if 90-93 cel is too hot .will this temp range produce dense buds? will this temp range promote less dense buds, if all other conditions are good?


Well-Known Member
yes 90 to 93 is too hot,it will slow bud development,you will have gaps in your buds as well as less weight,in a heat wave you never get back what was lose,it is worst if the heat is dureing the 2nd and 5th week of flowering.


Well-Known Member
you want between 70-80F during daytime ( all stages except flowering)
cooler obviously at night will happen but dont let it go below 60F
some say it virtually stops growing above 85F....... others 95F
50-60rh is the proper range
higher humidity for germ and seedling
40-50rh for flowering.... then get it as low as possible the last week before harvest so the buds will resinate as much as possible to help retain their moisture
These numbers come directly from Jorge Cervantes book